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发布时间:2018-11-07 21:25
【摘要】:面对国内外复杂多变的经济金融形势,全球经济增速将进一步放缓,我国经济增速放缓的趋势仍将延续,银行将从原来的主要依靠存贷利差获取收入,逐渐转向依靠为客户提供优质金融服务来获取效益,更加重视和依靠现代信息技术、网络环境提供崭新的、更加便捷、周到的金融服务。功能的创新、网上生存与竞争已成为未来商业银行的主要特征。电子银行业务必将成为银行争抢的蓝海。 本文基于当前比较受关注的客户体验理论,就如何使客户体验在包商银行电子银行产品的营销中得到很好的体现,并取得良好的实践效果为主题展开论述。本文首先简述了当前国内外社会特征和金融环境,明确了电子银行的发展必然成为银行业发展的趋势这一现象,并就如何在电子银行的激烈竞争中占据一席之地提出了思考。客户是银行服务的对象,要牢牢吸引住客户,提升其在使用产品时的体验度是关键因素。在文献综述部分,主要介绍了国内外学者对客户体验这一理论的研究及对客户体验理论的应用性研究,包括研究企业如何利用客户体验理论开展体验营销,及客户体验在各行业的应用研究。第二章简要介绍了电子银行本身的特点及优势,并论证了客户体验对电子银行发展的重要意义。第三章详细阐述了包商银行电子银行的发展历程及现状,同时根据自身电子银行的发展规划提出需要立足于客户体验来制定适用于本行的电子银行营销策略。第四章中,对包商银行现有及未来可能成为的客户进行了细分,对每组客户群体特征进行了详述与分析。第五章则根据包商银行所细分的客户群体,从客户体验角度出发,根据对每一客户群体的定位,设计与其相适应的电子银行营销策略,同时引入“可用性测试”这一先进的可提升客户体验的做法来丰富包商银行电子银行基于客户体验的发展策略,最终得出以客户体验为导向是包商银行电子银行发展的必然趋势。
[Abstract]:In the face of the complex and changeable economic and financial situation at home and abroad, the global economic growth rate will further slow down, and the trend of slowing economic growth in China will continue. Banks will obtain income from the original interest rate differentials between deposits and loans. It has gradually changed to rely on providing high quality financial services to customers to obtain benefits, paying more attention to and relying on modern information technology, and providing new, more convenient and thoughtful financial services in the network environment. Functional innovation, online survival and competition have become the main characteristics of commercial banks in the future. E-banking business will become the blue sea that the bank competes for. Based on the theory of customer experience, this paper discusses how to make the customer experience be well reflected in the marketing of the electronic banking products of the contractor bank, and obtain good practical effect. This paper first introduces the current social characteristics and financial environment at home and abroad, clarifies the phenomenon that the development of electronic banking is bound to become the trend of banking development, and puts forward some thoughts on how to occupy a place in the fierce competition of electronic banking. Customer is the target of bank service. It is a key factor to attract customers and improve their experience in using products. In the part of literature review, it mainly introduces the domestic and foreign scholars' research on the theory of customer experience and the application of the theory of customer experience, including the research on how to use the theory of customer experience to carry out experience marketing. And the application of customer experience in various industries. The second chapter briefly introduces the characteristics and advantages of electronic banking, and demonstrates the importance of customer experience to the development of electronic banking. The third chapter elaborates the development course and the present situation of the electronic bank of the contractor bank, at the same time, according to the development plan of its own electronic bank, it puts forward the marketing strategy of the electronic bank based on the experience of the customer to make the marketing strategy of the electronic bank suitable for the bank. In the fourth chapter, the current and future customers of the contractor bank are subdivided, and the characteristics of each group of customers are detailed and analyzed. In chapter 5, according to the customer group subdivided by the contractor bank, from the customer experience point of view, according to the positioning of each customer group, we design the corresponding electronic banking marketing strategy. At the same time, the introduction of "usability testing" as an advanced approach to enhance customer experience to enrich the contractor's bank electronic banking based on customer experience development strategy, Finally, it comes to the conclusion that customer experience is the inevitable trend of the development of electronic bank of contractor bank.


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