[Abstract]:Fourteen evaluation indexes were selected and the quality of FDI utilization in different regions was evaluated by factor analysis method in two periods from 1999 to 2003 and from 2004 to 2008. The test results show that the provinces and cities with better FDI quality are mainly concentrated in the east, the worse ones are mainly in the west, and the quality ranking in the central region fluctuates greatly, and the difference in the quality of using FDI in the region decreases with the change of time. According to the meaning of economy, 14 indexes are divided into general factors (the quantitative contribution of FDI to economic development), and scientific and technological management factors (the influence of FDI on technology and management level). Quality factor (the influence of FDI on economic quality) and institution factor (influence of FDI on institution), and factor load analysis and internal structure analysis of FDI quality found that general factor is the most important determinant of FDI quality. The role of science and technology management factor is second, quality factor and system factor is less, which means that the quality of using FDI in our country is mainly determined by the quantity contribution of FDI, and the quality of using FDI is not high on the whole; The other three kinds of factors play a great role in the area where the FDI use quality is medium level, because the difference of the FDI level in these areas is small, and the effect of the other three kinds of factors is increasing with time.
【作者单位】: 湖南商学院经济与贸易发展研究院;江西财经大学当代财经杂志社;
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