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发布时间:2018-11-17 07:51
【摘要】:征信制度的历史宛若人类发展的一个侧影,对征信制度的研究伴随着征信业的兴起、发展、成熟,,已成为当今社会的重要课题。许多学者对征信制度的研究多从征信市场的发展、征信体系的构建等角度来执笔,很少有学者纵向来剖析征信制度的历史。即使有学者研究征信制度的历史,也多为泛泛而谈,对征信雏形的挖掘工作也几乎空白。作者深信对征信历史的探讨,关系到征信的起源问题,为征信理论论证、研发提供事实和依据。以史为鉴,只有对征信制度的历史有清晰的认识和深入的研究,才能对征信制度的发展与完善提出切实可行的建议。 回顾征信制度的历史,最早的征信活动甚至可以追溯到远古时期。随着时代的变迁,经济的发展,征信制度已经逐渐演变成社会经济中不可缺少的一部分。欧洲在中世纪时就产生了现代征信的雏形,现在大部分欧洲国家已经建立了系统全面的公共征信体系;美国作为移民国,建立了世界上第一个征信机构,市场化的征信活动已经遍布了全世界各个角落;我们的邻国日本,也创造了独树一帜的会员制征信模式。国外的征信制度演进过程给我国建设征信制度提供了很好的借鉴。而我国作为一个拥有五千年诚信文化道德教育国家,征信制度的雏形早在儒家文化成型时就已出现,随着朝代的更迭,征信的雏形也呈现出不少的形态;民国时期征信所的兴衰为我国现代征信业的发展带来了不少的本土经验;而近几十年的征信业的稳步发展缩短了我国与发达国家征信业的差距。 在以经济发展为前提的今天,完善的征信制度将会对我国的市场经济起到极大的促进作用。为了更好的提高经济发展效率,我们必须努力发展征信行业以弥补在我国社会经济体系中存在信用缺失的重大缺陷。可以说,征信业是经济发展中的一项核心业务,也是我国立足于世界经济体系的根本。征信制度的完善在以经济建设为核心的中国必然占据举足轻重的地位。 因此,本文运用历史分析法、比较分析法、文献研究法、总结归纳法等研究方法,按照国外征信制度的演进过程与我国征信制度的演进过程两条线,分别对国外与国内的征信雏形、征信制度发展史以及征信制度的现状进行回顾与梳理。通过历史的回顾与国际征信模式的借鉴,提炼出完善中国征信体系的建议与措施。
[Abstract]:The history of credit information system is like a silhouette of human development. With the rise, development and maturity of credit information industry, the study of credit information system has become an important subject in today's society. Many scholars study the credit system from the perspective of the development of credit market and the construction of credit system, and few scholars analyze the history of credit system vertically. Even if some scholars study the history of credit system, it is mostly a general discussion, and the excavation of the embryonic form of credit information is almost blank. The author is convinced that the discussion of the history of credit investigation is related to the origin of credit information and provides the facts and basis for the theoretical argumentation and research and development of credit information. Only if we have a clear understanding and in-depth study on the history of credit information system can we put forward practical suggestions for the development and perfection of credit information system. Looking back on the history of the credit system, the earliest activities can even be traced back to ancient times. With the change of times and the development of economy, credit system has gradually evolved into an indispensable part of social economy. In the Middle Ages, Europe had the embryonic form of modern credit information, and now most of the European countries have established a systematic and comprehensive public credit system. As an immigrant country, the United States has established the first credit agency in the world, and market-oriented credit information activities have spread all over the world; Japan, our neighboring country, has also created a unique membership credit investigation model. The evolution process of foreign credit system provides a good reference for the construction of credit system in China. As a country with five thousand years of honesty and moral education, the rudiments of credit information system appeared as early as the formation of Confucian culture. With the change of dynasties, the embryonic form of credit information also showed a lot of forms. The rise and fall of the credit offices in the Republic of China brought a lot of local experience to the development of the modern credit information industry in China, while the steady development of the credit information industry in recent decades has shortened the gap between China and the developed countries. On the premise of economic development today, the perfect credit system will play a great role in promoting the market economy of our country. In order to improve the efficiency of economic development, we must try our best to develop the credit information industry to make up for the great defect of the lack of credit in our country's social economic system. It can be said that credit information industry is a core business in economic development, and is also the basis of our country based on the world economic system. The perfection of credit system plays an important role in China with economic construction as its core. Therefore, this article uses the historical analysis method, the comparative analysis method, the literature research method, the summary induction and so on research method, according to the foreign credit system evolution process and our country credit system evolution process two lines, This paper reviews the rudiments of foreign and domestic credit information system, the history of credit reporting system and the status quo of credit reporting system. By reviewing the history and drawing lessons from the international credit model, the suggestions and measures to perfect the credit system of China are extracted.


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