[Abstract]:Market economy is money economy first, the size of a country's money stock also reflects the scale of market economy. Therefore, this paper attempts to estimate the amount of money circulating in the Ming Dynasty economy to investigate its market size. In the Ming Dynasty, there was very little money cast, and silver mining was not developed. It mainly depended on the money left over from the previous generation and the import of precious metals from abroad. How much money was circulating in its economy, because the materials had no sign, it was always impossible to know. Recently, there are more and more archaeological reports on the cellar of copper money. The author mainly uses the study of Chinese copper money unearthed in Japan to reconstruct the currency circulation scale in the Ming Dynasty before 1580, and then compare it with the money stock in the Northern Song Dynasty. It was found that the size of the Ming Dynasty's monetary economy before Wanli was extremely limited, about 1 / 5 / 1 / 3 of the peak of the Northern Song Dynasty. The amount of silver imported from overseas in the late Ming Dynasty is four times that of the stock of silver in the Ming Dynasty, which can be said to have saved the market economy of the Ming Dynasty. Even so, the scale of money stock in the late Ming Dynasty was still slightly lower than that in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the backward Hongwu economic system brought unexpected difficulties and difficulties to the development of the market economy in the Ming Dynasty.
【作者单位】: 香港科技大学人文学部;
【基金】:美国国家自然科学基金会赞助的Global Prices and Income,1200—1950,Stage 2课题(NSF06/07.HSS01)支持
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