[Abstract]:With the reform of income distribution in China, personal wealth is increasing day by day, and personal savings are also increasing. With the renewal of people's financial management concept and the innovation of all kinds of scientific and technological means, there is a great profit space for personal financial services. Against this background, banks use personal finance as the main business strategy to capture market share and increase profits. Personal finance business is a new financial product with the increase of people's wealth and savings. In short, it is to help individuals to allocate and invest their wealth scientifically and effectively, and to carry on the scientific plan of preserving and increasing value. When people's wealth increases to one degree, they are more concerned about how to effectively invest and distribute the wealth held in their hands in order to achieve greater accumulation of wealth. According to the law of market operation, there will be supply when there is demand. As there is a huge potential demand in the personal finance market at present, various commercial banks have launched various new personal financial products and expanded their personal financial services. In personal finance launched innovative financial products and expand the high-end customer group and other aspects of fierce competition. Under this background, ICBC, as a member of the financial market, has also actively launched its own personal finance products, created personal finance business brands, integrated services and products, and actively engaged in the competition in the personal finance business market. In order to seize the opportunity to continue to strengthen their own strength. This paper takes YL Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China as the object of study, using the experience of domestic and foreign commercial banks for reference through SWOT analysis, and probes into the countermeasures and strategies for the development of personal finance business of YL Branch in the light of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The first chapter introduces the background and significance of the topic, literature review, and analysis of the structure and main research content. The second chapter is the commercial bank personal finance business related theory analysis. The third chapter is about the development and necessity of personal finance business of China Industrial and Commercial Bank. The fourth chapter is the SWOT analysis of the personal finance business of the YL branch of ICBC. The fifth chapter is the problems and strategic planning of the development of the personal finance business of the YL branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. The sixth chapter is based on the analysis of the first five chapters, from the construction of marketing channels, the optimization of organizational structure, the optimization of customer relationship management, The renewal of the concept of financial management and the innovation of financial products put forward the countermeasures and suggestions for the development of personal financial services of ICBC YL Branch.
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