[Abstract]:This paper studies the relationship between the real effective exchange rate of US dollar, euro and RMB and the relationship between international oil price and the real effective exchange rate of US dollar, euro and RMB. The results show that, different from the situation that the change of international oil price will have an impact on the exchange rate of the United States dollar in the 1970s and 1980s, the change of the real effective exchange rate of the United States dollar has a significant impact on the international oil price. Although the birth of the euro has an impact on the hegemonic status of the dollar, its international status can not be compared with the dollar, which can be seen in its impact on international oil prices. The real effective exchange rate of RMB has little influence on international oil price, which indicates that the internationalization of RMB is very low. All of the above show that the function of the US dollar as the major international commodity-denominated currency and settlement currency has not been weakened, but has been strengthened, and also reflects the firmness of the current "US dollar system" of the international monetary system. RMB as an international currency is still a long way to go.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学经济学院;
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