[Abstract]:In this paper, a small open economy model is established to study the relationship between exchange rate stability and optimal monetary policy under Ramsey optimal equilibrium. The analysis shows that the relationship between exchange rate fluctuation and macroeconomic fluctuation depends on the exchange rate policy system chosen by monetary policy. Under the Ramsey equilibrium, the managed floating exchange rate policy is beneficial to the economy to achieve the internal and external market equilibrium, and in order to ensure the stability of the exchange rate, the optimal monetary policy can use the lower interest rate of competitive equilibrium to obtain higher output and lower inflation level. Maintaining the stability of the exchange rate does not put pressure on monetary policy; While the optimal monetary policy maintains the exchange rate stability, it still faces the conflict between the exchange rate stability and the domestic market target, that is, the volatility of the internal and external markets is difficult to balance. The analysis also shows that when the exchange rate is in the process of devaluation and appreciation fluctuation in the range, the optimal monetary policy implements the internal and external market equilibrium without restriction.
【作者单位】: 同济大学经济管理学院;北京大学光华管理学院;
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