本文关键词:管理学理论构建、继承与发扬之道——来自西方经典著作和论文的质性考察 出处:《商业经济与管理》2017年11期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 管理学理论 五步走路线 情境转移 合法化过程 认知局限
[Abstract]:This paper selects the classics in the western management theory system, and winning papers for qualitative data, constructivist grounded theory analysis method based on encoding, generate the inquiry of the management theory, diffusion and extinction mechanism. Analysis shows that the construction of the management theory is a practical problem solving oriented, or writing the academic community for the diffusion channels, extends the dynamic growth process based on the following research. At the same time, the study found that the construction of theory, inheriting and developing the theory of the road is open, the theory of development, theory of shock, continued to decline theory and theory of five steps. The route through self observation and thinking, Lenovo, participation in management experience and reflection, and in practice the contact, criticism of the existing thinking scholars open theoretical construction of the road; rely on new ideas, new concept and new perspective, theory has striking initial success; In the alternative with the existing theory, the applicability of the question situation and wrestling contest, the theory gradually persuade others, establish legal status of their own; the basic concern, for the majority of the population, the theory is widely used, and fast, produce sustainable effect; subject to the changes of the times, the change in human nature, and their own cognitive context transfer the limitations of the theory, fall into the trough, and the recession and decline. The theory growth path of the five step route, constitute the general law of the development of the theory, is helpful to China localization management theory construction.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学商学院;
【正文快照】: 张佳良,刘军.管理学理论构建、继承与发扬之道——来自西方经典著作和论文的质性考察[J].商业经济与管理,2017(11):26-39.一、引言在当下阶段,无论如何强调管理学理论的重要性都不为过。学术研究围绕理论建设和检验,而现实实践则需要理论的指导。自1911年泰罗开启科学管理思想
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