本文关键词: 民办高校 惠经 工商类 校企合作模式 出处:《广东技术师范学院》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of the modern vocational education system, the country advocates the training of "craftsmen" talents in vocational colleges. All these put forward higher requirements to the quality of vocational education. As an important branch of the modern vocational education system, private higher vocational education has trained a large number of skilled talents for the society, but private higher vocational education in the school conditions. The shortage of teachers also leads to the quality of talent training can not be effectively guaranteed, a large number of higher vocational talents into the enterprise. School-enterprise cooperation as an effective way to train talents has been widely used, but for private colleges, how to effectively carry out school-enterprise cooperation. To achieve the cultivation of talents to meet the needs of the market, these problems have become the top priority of private vocational colleges. At present, the research on the cooperation between enterprises and colleges from the characteristics of the specialty of business and industry in private colleges and universities is not much. The enrollment ratio of industrial and commercial majors in private higher vocational colleges is still relatively large. Therefore, it is necessary to combine the characteristics of industrial and commercial majors to explore an effective mode of cooperation between schools and enterprises suitable for this kind of major. In order to improve the level of running and teaching quality of private higher vocational colleges, this paper aims at the cooperation mode of private business major, using a variety of research methods, such as literature research, questionnaire survey, case study and so on. Taking the business major of Huizhou Economic Vocational and Technical College as the object, this paper tries to discuss the cooperation mode of school and enterprise from the theoretical and practical aspects. In order to provide constructive advice for the private higher vocational colleges to cultivate more skilled personnel. This paper analyzes a large number of documents and analyzes the current situation of the domestic and foreign cooperation mode between schools and enterprises. Through the entity questionnaire survey of nearly 300 enterprises in Huizhou, this paper analyzes the demand of business students in Huizhou enterprises, and summarizes the characteristics of private business students. Compared with the enterprise talent demand conditions and enterprises' willingness to cooperate, combined with the Huizhou Economic Vocational and Technical College of each professional school and enterprise cooperation exploration cases, analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the cooperation between the various professional schools and enterprises of business and industry. Find out the existing problems in the cooperation between schools and enterprises and put forward the corresponding countermeasures, and then combine with the local actual situation. It is suggested that the school-enterprise cooperation model which is suitable for the characteristics of Huizhou Economic Vocational and Technical College should be a kind of cooperation model with high degree of enterprise participation, different specialties of business and industry and various types of cooperation between schools and enterprises.
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