本文关键词: 谢尔登 管理伦理 社会责任 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Oliver Sheldon was a British management practitioner and management thinker in early 20th century. In his book, philosophy of Management, he proposed the philosophy of management as a guide to the practice of management, and he tried to combine the practical nature of scientific management with social ethics. Marks the true birth of a conscious philosophy of management. His analysis of the basic principles of industrial management and his reflections on the social responsibility of industrial management, At that time, when the scientific management was widely used, he broke through the shackles of the slightly ossified scientific management thought, and introduced the philosophy ethics thought into the management research. And elaborated his own management ethics thought. He first proposed the enterprise social responsibility ponder, The author thinks that the corporate social responsibility is related to the morality of the people in the social community. The advantage of his theory lies in the spontaneous examination of the social responsibility of the enterprise from the perspective of philosophical ethics. And then advocate that the management and management activities of enterprises should be unified with the various needs of their stakeholders, And he thinks that the interests of the latter are higher than the economic interests of enterprises in terms of ethical value. His thinking on management is more about the general nature of management. His thinking on the definition of corporate social responsibility initiated the first to pay attention to the development of enterprises in a philosophical way, which is very enlightening to the related theoretical research of later generations. The importance of ethics and morality in contemporary management practice is self-evident. Because it is not only a measure of the success or failure of management practice, but also an important indicator of the maturity of management theory. At present, Chinese enterprises are in a period of transition. The management ethics level of many enterprises has restricted the further development of enterprises. At the same time, the social political and legal system in the transition period is not perfect. In this case, Chinese society must rebuild the ethical framework of enterprise management. The industrial management and enterprise management described by Sheldon want to improve production efficiency. The viewpoints of reducing waste, protecting welfare, distributing wealth reasonably and fairly, and making management beneficial to the society are universally applicable to all types of industrial management or enterprise management in China.
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