[Abstract]:The intermediary organization of the positive market is the third organization between the government and the market. The development of intermediary organizations is conducive to the division of social management, the extension of government services, the enhancement of social self-discipline, and the improvement of the market system. Social intermediary organizations have developed rapidly in recent years and become an important part of the market economy system. It has played an active role in promoting economic development and social progress. But the system is not smooth, the norm is not enough, the development is not complete, also causes the "intermediary not neutral", "the notarization is unfair", "the judicature does not obey the law", "the appraisal is not true" and so on strange phenomenon. Investment in some major projects, reform of state-owned enterprises, mortgage assets evaluation, land transfer, company listing, government procurement and other fields have become the worst areas of corruption in intermediary rent-seeking. In view of the corruption phenomenon and the risk of corruption brought about by the institutional loopholes and the blind areas of supervision and control, the existing corruption phenomenon and the lack of development of intermediary organizations need to change the former anti-corruption focus only on the government departments in power and the economic field of enterprises in which the financial power is in hold.
【作者单位】: 湖北省鄂州市委;湖北省鄂州市纪委;
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