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发布时间:2019-06-06 09:09
[Abstract]:Nowadays, the competition of "soft power" with thought, concept and culture as the core is the new competitive point, and the thought tank, as the motive force and source of national ideological innovation, is the key to the competition of "soft power". Under the current historical development process and social environment of China, the university think tanks in China fully have the necessary conditions to grow into big think tanks with international influence. Under the ideal development picture, the university think tank will promote the development of the university itself at the same time, give full play to the important role of ideological innovation, policy advice, influence public opinion, gradually undertake the role of cultivating talents for the government, and the university think tank will promote the development of the university itself, give full play to the important role of ideological innovation, policy advice, and influence public opinion. Become the main force of public diplomacy and international political communication.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学公共传播研究所;


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