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发布时间:2018-01-11 08:04

  本文关键词:Morpho蝶翅隐形性特性与仿生结构力学分析及仿生制备的探究 出处:《湖北工业大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 蝶翅 隐形性特性 力学分析 仿生制备

[Abstract]:On the surface of Morpho butterfly wing scale, there is a three-dimensional fine structure of tree ridge layer, which is approximately parallel to each other in the vertical direction and equidistant, and the whole dielectric layer width presents an approximate difference sequence distribution. The inner part is filled with air medium; In the horizontal direction, the media layer is dislocated on both sides of the spine. Along the ridge direction, the spacing of adjacent tree ridges is about 50 nm, and a number of such structures form a natural diffraction grating, which is the physiological basis of the optical properties of Morpho butterfly wings. This structure has strong wavelength selective characteristics for the light irradiated to the surface of the butterfly wing. Nano-scale three-dimensional structure hidden inside the butterfly wing can also produce radiation enhancement and suppression effect on the light in a specific band (actually, it is one of the principles of the stealth performance of the butterfly wing.) in this paper, experiments, simulations, optics. The principle of mechanics and micro-nano preparation technology, etc., the stealth characteristics of Morpho butterfly wings in infrared band. The statics analysis of bionic structures and the research on the preparation of bionic structures have been done. The main work includes: 1. With the help of various precise optical observation instruments (such as scanning electron microscope (SEM) SEM). The physical structure of natural butterfly wings has been carefully observed. The special structure of the scales of butterfly wings makes the light reflected from the surface of the wings to be complex. The comprehensive effects such as refraction and diffraction are the root of the structure color of the butterfly wing scales. On the basis of clear physical structure, the optical testing platform is built. It is proved that the micro / nano structure of butterfly fin surface has good stealth performance in infrared band. It is further found that this multilayer film gap structure of Morpho butterfly fin can be guided by the refractive index of wing layer and air medium layer. The optical reactions such as continuous refraction, reflectance and refraction occur in the upper and lower layers. This cumulative optical effect is one of the physiological bases for the stealth performance of butterfly wings. 2. On the basis of natural structure, the flake structure of butterfly wing was optimized by SolidWorks and Rsoft CAD software. The bionic three-dimensional model of the butterfly wing scale structure is established (the depth in the third direction is not required and the basic characteristics of the butterfly wing structure are preserved; The mechanical analysis of this structure under the condition of self-weight is carried out by using ANSYS, and the advantages and disadvantages of the biomimetic structure in the preparation of the biomimetic structure are explored, and the optimization model is put forward. It provides a mechanical reference for the further imitation of the three-dimensional structure of butterfly wings. 3. Based on the understanding of the formation mechanism of the invisible characteristics of butterfly wings, a fusion bionic model is proposed to produce the physiological structure of the stealth characteristics. And the preparation of it has been preliminarily explored. The completion of these works will further improve the optical properties of the structure of butterfly wing scales. Breaking through the bottleneck of the development of military stealth performance and achieving the preparation of butterfly wing bionic structure are of great significance.


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