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发布时间:2018-01-13 04:17

  本文关键词:节流制冷器自调机构低温形变特性分析 出处:《低温与超导》2016年04期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 节流制冷器 自调机构 波纹管 低温形变

[Abstract]:The micro throttling refrigeration apparatus has the advantages of small volume, light weight, high reliability, fast starting speed, no moving parts at the cold end, etc., in the infrared detector. Infrared seeker and other electronic devices have realized a large number of applications in the field of cooling. The self-tuning mechanism of the self-regulating micro-flow cooler adjusts the flow rate (refrigerating capacity) through the induction of temperature change after throttling. Not only the maximum refrigerating capacity can be obtained by using the limited circulating refrigerants effectively, but also the high temperature stability can be achieved. In order to realize the quantitative analysis of the self-tuning mechanism deformation of the self-adjusting micro-throttling refrigerators. In order to guide the selection of bellows of self-adjusting mechanism, a three-dimensional numerical model is established for the self-adjusting mechanism of internal charging bellows, and the variable physical parameters are adopted. The deformation characteristics of low temperature conditions under different filling fluids and bellows are analyzed. The results show that the prediction results of the established numerical analysis model and the actual measurement error are less than 5%. The corrugated tube is the main component of the self-adjusting mechanism. Besides the filling pressure, the temperature distribution of the self-adjusting mechanism is not uniform, which has a certain influence on the deformation characteristics of the self-adjusting mechanism.
【作者单位】: 昆明物理研究所;西安交通大学;
【正文快照】: 1前言微型节流制冷器以其结构紧凑、体积小、启动迅速、干扰噪声小、可靠性高等优点,已被广泛应用于红外制导等武器系统,并同时在低温医学、低温电子、航空航天等领域得到了应用[1]。微型节流制冷器主要由节流装置和换热器两部分构成,高压高纯气体通过节流孔发生等焓膨胀,气体


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