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发布时间:2018-01-13 10:18

  本文关键词:基于交互体验的博物馆儿童导游产品设计研究 出处:《大连理工大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 交互体验 博物馆导览 儿童电子产品

[Abstract]:All the time, that is the main way of the museum exhibits signs provide information to visitors, but there has been information content and promiscuity, flexibilities. With the continuous development of modern digital technology, the traditional information display is already unable to meet the needs of visitors. At present, many museums with two-dimensional code, touch screen, infrared induction and other modern technology provides a new way of information display, but always lack the special way for groups of children. Children are the main groups to visit the museum, can let the children in the interpretation of information when there exhibits a better interaction experience is very important. At present, the museum is deficient for groups of children special tour, so the design of study tour products and children's museum is a new research field. This paper first visited the museum for children The investigation and Research on the navigation problem, decide on the venue for the Dalian Museum of natural history, the target population for children 5-8 years of age group. Then the interactive facilities for multiple Museum conducted field visits to target groups of children were observed and analyzed through observation, interviews, questionnaires and other research methods, and reference current the children's interactive electronic products, combined with the current technique application of high-tech products and trends, summed up the user preferences and product design elements, the final design of the electronic products of a museum tour guide for children. With the application of VR technology, through the product form and a new interactive way, breaking the single static text museum the form of enhanced entertaining presentation and fun, so that children can more profound interpretation of exhibits from psychological and sensory information, to produce more The interactive experience and emotional experience can produce pleasant psychological feelings while understanding the information of the exhibits.



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