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发布时间:2018-01-18 14:10

  本文关键词:面向MES的加工车间精益生产研究 出处:《大连理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 精益生产 制造执行系统 可视化管理 价值流分析 持续改善

[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization, many varieties, small batch and customized production mode makes the enterprise manufacturing costs rose sharply, and put forward the lean thinking for the enterprise has brought hope. Lean production through the elimination of waste, reduce the overall cost of production. However, completely artificial lean production management brought many problems, such as Kanban management difficulties, paper documents are not unified, inventory management confusion, standardized operation, a balanced production flow, etc. it is difficult to implement the workshop. Based on the manufacture execution system (MES) provides a reliable technical support for the workshop management information system for lean production, two people can rely on each other and in promoting workshop production management, to improve the level of production management. This article through the literature research, field research methods and data collection industry, lean production system and MES research frame The theoretically summed up the two mutual support in workshop production management, lean production tools with the help of MES trying to be better applied to the workshop production dispatching, quality management, equipment management, material distribution and other business processes, implementation of workshop production lean. The feasibility of lean production for MES this paper, from the push and pull concept, visual management, value stream analysis and continuous improvement and so on, according to the production plan and process control, in-depth study of the theory and application. Firstly, in the production planning level, combined with the principle of push pull type production MES production principle and lean production, through the introduction of push type production and non the key nodes implement pull production of key nodes, realize the push-pull production planning. Secondly, in the production process control level, through an electronic Kanban and lamp, touch screen and other visual tools integrated with MES, To realize the production dispatching, material distribution, real-time collection and feedback of quality control and dynamic management of data. Thirdly, in the overall process level, due to the application of value stream mapping involves a variety of lean tools, including the production plan and control the whole process, will be the overall process analysis tool. The flow graph analysis model through the study of the MES oriented value, real-time rendering of the overall value stream map, discover the waste during the production process, production, continuously improve the technology and management level. Finally, the article based on a diesel engine company of mechanical processing workshop as an example, on the basis of analysis of value flow, quantitative workshop (value added ratio) analysis and qualitative requirements, combined with the actual production process opposite to MES application of lean production are described. Based on MES and lean production future value stream under the idea, draw out the value stream is not To state chart, as a basis for continuous improvement. This research provides a new idea and method for the workshop to achieve the efficient implementation of lean management, lean production workshop by MES, improve the efficiency of production management, real-time management, visualization and lean, as is the implementation of lean production and is using the MES workshop provide management idea and technology integration.



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