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发布时间:2018-01-19 12:17

  本文关键词: 造型设计 产品语义 感性认知 映射模型 出处:《重庆大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the development of automobile industry, automobile modeling design becomes more and more important. Different countries have different styles of automobile modeling, and different brands of cars have different styling. In product modeling design. Because of the difference between the designer and the user in product modeling design, the designer designs the product according to his own design concept, and the user simply doesn't buy it. Moreover, under the new era condition. User needs have changed substantially and the satisfaction of perceptual needs has become the common pursuit of users. If product modeling design can not be correctly recognized by users or can not fully meet the needs of users. There will be no place in the market for survival of the fittest. From the point of view of product semantics and perceptual cognitive theory, this paper studies the expression of product semantics in product modeling design. The difference of perceptual cognition of products and the actual cases of automobile products, this paper puts forward a mapping model of product semantic-design expression, which is based on the visual mapping between product semantics and design expression elements. For designers to annotate the perceptual cognition of products, establish the communication channels between designers and users, reduce the cognitive differences between designers and users, so that designers and users tend to understand the same. On the basis of theoretical research, this paper constructs the product semantic set and the design expression element set, and through the semantic-design element experiment. The design element-semantic experiment and the color experiment are combined to establish the product semantic-design expression mapping model to obtain the user perception and user preferences. Finally. The application software of product semantic-design expression mapping database is developed by using relevant software development technology.


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