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发布时间:2018-01-22 14:40

  本文关键词: 多联机空调系统 电力载波通信 通信协议 载波侦听多路访问/冲突避让算法 组网 出处:《计算机应用》2016年08期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:In order to reduce the cost of multi-on-line air conditioning system, the installation project is simplified. The communication system of multi-on-line air conditioning is constructed by using power line carrier communication technology. Firstly, a solution based on narrow-band power line communication technology is proposed according to the communication requirements of system control. Then, four layers of communication protocol sets including physical layer, medium access control layer, network layer and application layer are designed from two aspects of channel access control and networking control. This paper presents three channel access algorithms based on the design idea of carrier listening multiplexing access / collision avoidance CSMA / CAA and a network algorithm based on star network topology. Finally, the network test, normal communication test and anti-interference test of 11-node multi-on-line air conditioning system are carried out. The test results show that the proposed algorithm and scheme can meet the real-time control requirements of multi-on-line air conditioning system. And has strong anti-jamming ability; In addition, the designed communication protocol is open and can be modified according to the requirement. It can be applied to the real-time control field of short distance and no succession in smart home.
【作者单位】: 清华大学深圳研究生院电力系统国家重点实验室深圳研究室;
【正文快照】: 0引言多联机空调系统通常由一台室外机和多台室内机组成,室外机根据室内机的开/关状态和制冷/制热量需求,结合室外环境条件,实施系统控制。室内机与室外机之间的通信目前均采用专用数据线,整个系统布线复杂,维护费时费力。本文尝试采用窄带电力线载波通信(Power Line CarrierC


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