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发布时间:2018-01-23 14:21

  本文关键词: 高光谱图像 稀疏表示 空间信息 图像分类 光谱解混 出处:《西安电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The technology of hyperspectral image classification and spectral deconvolution plays a very important role in the field of hyperspectral remote sensing, and has been a key research direction of domestic and foreign scholars in recent years. With the wide application of sparse representation in image processing, some scholars begin to apply it to hyperspectral remote sensing image processing, especially hyperspectral image classification and spectral deconvolution. Some achievements have been made, but the existing image classification and spectral de-mixing methods based on sparse representation only consider the spectral information of hyperspectral images. The spatial information of the image and the characteristic information of the hyperspectral image are not taken into account. In the hyperspectral image, there is a phenomenon that adjacent pixels may contain similar or identical substances. And the content of matter is similar, based on the above characteristics, we can use the neighbor pixel of the center pixel to add spatial constraints to the classification and the mixed model, and combine the spatial information and spectral information of hyperspectral image. In order to improve the accuracy of classification and mixing. The main research direction of this paper is as follows: 1. In hyperspectral images, there is a phenomenon that adjacent pixels may contain similar or identical substances. It is very likely that they can be classified into the same class in the classification process. Based on this feature of hyperspectral images, a first-order neighborhood system weighted constraint is proposed in this paper. That is to say, four pixels around the center pixel are used to constrain the pixel in the classification model, and the neighbor pixel which is close to the center pixel occupies a larger proportion in the constraint. The constraint makes the central pixel and the surrounding pixel contain the same spectral information in the classification process. Then the constraint is added to the sparse classification model. A new classification algorithm based on weighted constraints of first-order neighborhood system is proposed. In order to test the classification performance of the new algorithm, hyperspectral images collected by common AVIRIS and ROSIS sensors are tested. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated by three evaluation criteria: general classification accuracy, average classification accuracy and kappa coefficient. The experimental results show that the weighted constraints of the first-order neighborhood system make full use of the spatial information and the features of the image itself. Classification accuracy has been greatly improved, classification performance is better than the existing classification algorithm .2.The pixel in hyperspectral image is composed of spectral information and spatial information, and spectral information is independent. Because Markov random field is a powerful tool to simulate spatial correlation, it not only considers the correlation of adjacent pixels in the image, but also takes into account the characteristics of the image itself. In this paper, a sparse demultiplexing algorithm based on adaptive Markov random field is proposed by adding spatial correlation constraints to the sparse demultiplexing model. In this paper, the simulated image data and the real AVIRIS image data are provided, and the experimental results are analyzed by using the SRE (signal-noise ratio). The experimental results show that, for the simulated images. The sparse demultiplexing algorithm based on adaptive Markov random field achieves a higher SRE value. For real images, the abundance images obtained by the new algorithm are more smooth than the existing algorithms. Abundance image details are also more comprehensive.


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1 韩月娇;王崇倡;;基于TM遥感影像的分类方法研究与探讨[J];城市勘测;2009年06期




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