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发布时间:2018-01-24 10:11

  本文关键词: 生态环境评价 遥感 并行化处理 GPU CUDA 出处:《农业机械学报》2017年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Based on the research of parallelism of remote sensing evaluation model of ecological environment based on GPU, and on the basis of deeply analyzing the bottleneck of data transmission in CPU GPU heterogeneous and general computing platform, the data slicing is designed. Asynchronous transmission of GPU image processing framework. On this basis, the carbon fixation, grassland degradation index and ecological environment index are implemented in parallel based on CUDA. The effectiveness of the method is verified by experiments. With the increase of the data scale, the speedup of the carbon fixation calculation model reaches 8.04 times. The speedup ratio of grassland degradation index model was 12.21 times, and that of ecological environment index model was 7.45 times.
【作者单位】: 中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院;谢菲尔德大学计算机学院;
【正文快照】: 引言当前生态环境问题愈加严峻,为了使相关部门及时发现问题并采取相应措施,实时、准确且综合地进行生态环境遥感评价具有重要意义[1-4]。随着遥感卫星传感器技术的飞速发展,遥感数据体量的急剧增长,模型处理速度成为生态遥感评价的瓶颈[5-7]。近年来,随着GPU设备的可编程[8]


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1 慕德俊,戴冠中,佟明安;动态规划的并行化方法[J];西北工业大学学报;2000年03期

2 ;[J];;年期




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