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发布时间:2018-01-24 10:48

  本文关键词: 人机系统 操纵疲劳 力学特征 肌电信号 典型相关分析 出处:《合肥工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:目前,国内外研究学者对于疲劳的研究多运用动力学、生物力学等知识,或研究仪表人机界面设计,驾驶座椅布置系统,汽车振动舒适性测评与优化等,建模方法多采用人的主观评价、仿真建模等方法,评价操纵疲劳的指标或选择操纵装置的某些操纵特征(如振动加速度、踏板力及力变率、噪音等),或选择操纵者心理感知等级来度量疲劳程度。 本论文针对人机系统操纵杆操纵过程操纵疲劳的量化与评价问题,以操纵杆操纵力为研究对象,从分析操纵力力学参数角度,与反映操纵疲劳的表面肌电信号特征两方面来考虑,分析并确定动力学特征参数和表面肌电特征参数,用以定量描述操纵疲劳;模拟实验过程,通过采集相关数据,研究操纵力各个力学特征与各个表面肌电信号特征间的影响规律,提取肌肉疲劳特征参数,,构建操纵疲劳评价模型。根据典型相关分析的研究思路,利用综合变量对之间的相关关系来反映两组指标之间的整体相关性,研究操纵力与肌电信号之间的关联关系,找出影响肌电信号最大的关联因素,在此基础上构建表面肌电信号表征操纵疲劳的函数模型,以揭示操纵力的力学特征对操纵疲劳的影响机理,从而实现对操纵过程中操纵疲劳及其变化规律的定量描述;最后,以操纵过程操纵疲劳度量体系为依据,探究操纵装置优化技术,为缓解操纵疲劳设计提供理论依据和技术支持。
[Abstract]:At present, domestic and foreign scholars mostly use the knowledge of dynamics, biomechanics and so on to study fatigue, or research the design of man-machine interface, driving seat layout system, vehicle vibration comfort evaluation and optimization, and so on. Human subjective evaluation, simulation modeling and other methods are used in modeling methods, such as evaluating the index of manipulation fatigue or selecting some manipulation characteristics (such as vibration acceleration, pedal force and force change rate, noise and so on). Or choose the operator's psychological perception level to measure the degree of fatigue. In this paper, aiming at the problem of quantification and evaluation of manipulating fatigue in man-machine system, the manipulating force of the joystick is taken as the research object, and the mechanical parameters of the manipulating force are analyzed. Considering the characteristics of surface electromyography (EMG) signals which reflect the manipulation fatigue, the dynamic characteristic parameters and the surface EMG characteristic parameters are analyzed and determined to describe the manipulation fatigue quantitatively. Simulation experiment process, through collecting relevant data, study the influence law between each mechanical characteristic of manipulation force and each surface EMG signal feature, extract the characteristic parameter of muscle fatigue. According to the research idea of canonical correlation analysis, using the correlation relationship between the two sets of variables to reflect the overall correlation between the two groups of indicators. The relationship between manipulation force and EMG signal is studied to find out the most important correlation factors of EMG signal. Based on this, a functional model of surface EMG signal to characterize manipulation fatigue is constructed. In order to reveal the mechanism of the influence of the mechanical characteristics of the manipulation force on the manipulation fatigue, the quantitative description of the manipulation fatigue and its variation law can be realized. Finally, based on the manipulation fatigue measurement system, the optimization technology of the manipulation device is explored to provide the theoretical basis and technical support for the design of the handling fatigue.


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