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发布时间:2018-01-24 17:22

  本文关键词: 数字电视 多屏互动 交互界面设计 设计方法 出处:《东华大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着信息通信技术的飞速发展,数字电视迎来了全新的时代。在三网融合的大力推进下,数字电视正在成为集广播电视、电信通讯、互联网多种功能为一体的数字媒体终端,为数字电视用户提供包括传统电视节目观看、视频点播、时事信息、公共服务、电子报刊订阅、因特网浏览、游戏及应用等服务。而多屏互动技术在数字电视行业的发展、应用,不仅使电视节目等内容的多终端观看成为了可能,更实现了多终端的互动式体验,人们可以使用电视、电脑、手机、平板电脑等多种智能终端观看、分享电视节目等多媒体影音内容。数字电视多屏互动功能的发展,给数字电视用户带了前所未有的多媒体交互体验,极大的丰富了家庭数字电视用户的文化、娱乐生活,多屏互动正逐渐成为数字电视的发展方向。 本论文基于多屏互动技术在数字电视上的应用提出,随着数字电视内容产品的丰富,应用形式、交互方式的变化,数字电视的交互界面设计也应随之适应、完善,本文就是针对基于多屏互动的数字电视的人机交互界面设计的研究。 首先,通过文献、产品和案例的整理分析,总结数字电视及多屏互动技术的发展概况,并结合多屏互动技术在数字电视领域的应用,总结、探索多屏互动在数字电视上的应用形式以及所遇到的问题. 然后,从人机交互界面设计的角度,探讨影响基于多屏互动的数字电视系统的人机交互界面设计的因素,包括不同多屏终端的屏幕特征、操控方式、使用环境、导航方式、信息架构和主要页面布局形式,并且探讨了人机交互界面设计准则在基于多屏互动的数字电视系统的交互界面设计上的应用。 最后,综合交互界面设计的原则和方法,针对电视、手机双屏互动数字电视点播系统的人机交互界面设计进行应用研究,包括对设计流程、产品定位、交互设计、以及视觉设计的论述说明,并总结相关的设计方法、流程及原则。 本论文将理论研究与应用实践相结合,总结、分析、探索基于多屏互动的数字电视的交互方式和交互界面设计的方法、原则。从交互界面设计的角度,提供基于多屏互动的数字电视交互界面设计的原则、方法参考,旨在将多屏互动与数字电视有机结合,为数字电视的全面多屏化发展提供一定的借鉴,为未来数字电视用户提供更好的交互体验。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the information communication technology , the digital television has ushered in a brand - new era . Digital television is becoming a digital media terminal integrating radio and television , telecommunication and internet . Based on the application of multi - screen interactive technology on digital TV , the interactive interface design of digital TV should be adapted and perfected with the rich content , application form and interactive mode of digital TV content product . This paper is the research of human - machine interactive interface design for digital television based on multi - screen interaction . Firstly , through the analysis of literature , product and case , the development of digital TV and multi - screen interactive technology is summarized , and the application of multi - screen interactive technology in the field of digital TV is summarized . The application form of multi - screen interactive on digital TV and the problems encountered are summarized . Then , from the angle of human - computer interaction interface design , the factors influencing the human - machine interactive interface design of the digital TV system based on multi - screen interaction are discussed , including the screen characteristics , manipulation mode , usage environment , navigation method , information architecture and main page layout form of different multi - screen terminals , and the application of the human - machine interactive interface design criterion on the interactive interface design of digital television system based on multi - screen interaction is discussed . Finally , the principles and methods of integrated interactive interface design are applied to the interactive interface design of TV and mobile phone dual - screen interactive digital television on - demand system , including the design flow , product positioning , interactive design and visual design , and summarize the relevant design methods , processes and principles . This paper combines the theory research with the application practice , summarizes and analyzes the interactive mode and interactive interface design method based on multi - screen interactive digital television , and provides the principle and method reference of interactive interface design based on multi - screen interaction from the angle of interactive interface design . It is intended to combine the multi - screen interaction with digital television , provide some reference for the comprehensive multi - screen development of digital television , and provide a better interactive experience for the future digital television users .



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