本文关键词: 黄土斜坡 坡体结构 地质灾害 演化规律 出处:《兰州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the Loess Plateau, because of the characteristics of loess distribution, deep sediment thickness, loose soil structure and so on, the loess plateau has been continuously eroded due to the transformation of external geological action. The slope on the edge of the plateau and the slope on both sides of the gully are gradually formed. During the gradual evolution of the loess slope, a large number of geological disasters such as loess landslide, collapse, debris flow and loess crack are produced. Therefore, the loess slope on the north bank of Jinghe River in Kongtong District of Pingliang City is chosen as the research object, based on the concept of slope structure of loess slope, combined with the distribution and development characteristics of geological hazards. Comparing with the results of numerical simulation, the evolution law of loess slope is studied. This paper provides a reference for the prevention and management of geological hazards in loess region. The main research results of this paper are as follows: 1). The structural types of slope body in the study area are divided into two types: pure loess slope and loess-bedrock slope from the aspect of lithologic combination. The pure loess slope is divided into 4 subgroups according to the intersecting relation between the contact surface and the condition of the face of the sky, and the pure loess slope is mainly distributed in the middle and upper part of the slope on the top of the tableland and the edge of the plateau. Loess-bedrock slopes can be divided into 4 subgroups according to the lithologic assemblage and contact features of the lower bedrock. The landslide in the study area mainly includes loess layer landslide and loess-bedrock interface landslide. Collapse includes loess cave collapse and natural slope collapse, in which natural slope collapse can be divided into toppling type according to its collapse characteristics. The landslide in the loess layer is mainly distributed in the middle and upper part of the slope and the top of the slope, and the loess-bedrock interface landslide is mainly distributed in the north bank of the Jinghe River. Loess collapse is concentrated on the top of the slope and the slope of gully and branch trench brain.) the loess slope evolution in the study area is divided into valley loess slope and gully loess slope according to the forming process of loess slope. The evolution of the two types of loess slopes has similar characteristics (i.e. symmetry, similarity and disaster concomitant). The evolution process of loess slopes is mainly in the form of landslides and collapses in the form of gradual erosion to the tableland. As a result, the height of loess slope gradually decreases, and the slope decreases gradually, and the saddle topography can be formed at the part of the mountain beam, which is the same as the evolution law of loess slope shown by the numerical simulation results.
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