本文关键词: 无容器熔融 超声驻波悬浮 电磁感应加热 声压仿真 非金属材料 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of condensed matter physics, biochemical analysis and other technologies, the requirement of experimental environment is increasing, and the technology of containerless treatment comes into being. Because of the low cost and stable effect of suspending technology, researchers gradually turn their attention to levitation. Among them, acoustic suspension has the advantages of large suspending force, stable suspension, and no special property requirement, so its application scope and field are constantly expanding. Firstly, this paper starts with the technology of containerless treatment. This paper analyzes the methods and types of the existing containerless treatment technology, and finally selects the ultrasonic standing wave suspension as the technical means of this experiment by comparing the existing heating technology means, and finally selects the ultrasonic standing wave suspension as the technical means of this experiment. The electromagnetic induction technology is selected as the heating mode of this experiment. By introducing the development and advantages of electromagnetic induction heating technology, the problems existing in suspension melting and step solidification of non-metallic materials at the present stage are put forward. Chapter two begins with the principle of ultrasonic standing wave suspension, and analyzes the acoustic frequency and temperature. Effects of gravity level and cavity shape on standing wave acoustic radiation force and suspension stability. The natural frequency is 19330Hz, and the maximum displacement can meet the requirements after the amplification of the two-stage amplitude-varying rod. In this paper, the experimental heating device uses the high-frequency electromagnetic coil inductively to heat the resonant tube, which produces an alternating magnetic field due to the high frequency alternating current. The magnetic beam produced by the magnetic beam runs through the metal body and forms a vortex current in the metal body, which generates high temperature by the Joule heat effect. The optimum design of the electromagnetic induction coil includes the influence of the shape of the coil, the number of turns, the turn spacing and other factors on the induction heating. Maxwell software is used to compare the influence of different influence factors, and the optimal parameters are determined to make the prototype. Based on the selected transducer, resonant tube and electromagnetic coil, the ANSYS finite element model of the acoustic suspension device is established. The influence of resonant tube with observation hole on ultrasonic standing wave suspension is analyzed, the size of observation hole is determined by simulation, the finite element model of transient thermal analysis is established, and the influence of resonant tube on suspension at different temperature is compared. Through theoretical analysis, appropriate resonant tube temperature is selected for experiment. Based on the above simulation analysis and theoretical results, a containerless melting experiment platform is built. The experiments of non-vessel melting of paraffin and pom material spheres under ultrasonic standing wave suspension were completed. The experiments mainly realized the non-vessel melting and step solidification of different paraffin pellets. And the suspension experiments of different suspended solids at different temperature and gravity level are realized. The last part of this paper is a comprehensive review and evaluation of the theory, design and experiment. In view of the problems existing in the design and manufacture of the containerless melting experimental device in this paper, some suggestions and ideas are put forward, and the improvement direction for the further research work is pointed out.
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