发布时间:2018-03-12 13:31
本文选题:功能性包装 切入点:低碳设计 出处:《浙江大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:国内包装工业总产值已近万亿,跃升至国民经济42个主要行业中的第14位,中国正努力由包装大国向包装强国过渡,与此同时,包装工业碳排放总量占全国总排放量的2.74%,已超过同期包装工业总产值占全国GDP的比重(2.43%),过度及不合理包装产生的环境和经济问题日益严峻,并成为阻碍包装工业可持续发展的顽症。为了在产品功能性包装的生命周期前端综合考虑其包装的低碳和成本问题,在包装方案具体实施之前得到可修整并优化的多种选择,本文围绕包装、低碳、成本以及概念设计等关键词主要开展了以下工作: 1通过对国内外碳问题、包装行业的现状及存在问题的调研确定了低碳包装的内涵以及实施的必要性,从包装需建立在“被包装物”的基础上这一区别于一般产品的主要特征入手,分析了概念设计在产品功能性低碳包装中的重要地位和可行性以及包装、低碳和概念设计三者的结合思路。 2分析了一般产品与产品包装之间存在的差异性,在此基础上给出了低碳包装概念设计的一般流程、步骤以及在低碳包装概念设计中需要注意的关键技术,如边界确定、碳足迹计算模型和评价机制等,并将模块化和QFD技术加以变换形成的性能模块化和FsD模型用于低碳包装的概念设计之中。 3建立了包装概念设计的主成分分析模型,用集成和继承原有信息变量的方法得出少量主成分,并以主成分为设计原则实现概念设计对包装物性需求和客户需求的映射、设计元素的筛选以及设计维度的降低,从一定程度上降低了概念设计的难度。 4给出了包装碳足迹计算的边界和准则,详细讨论了功能性包装低碳边界内的参数和相关注意事项,在此基础上给出了概念设计阶段考虑包装全生命周期范围的碳足迹计算模型。并对碳足迹计算的不确定性进行了详细的讨论,建立了节点的低碳敏感性分析方法。 5在统一的边界和准则范围内,同样讨论了该范围内的成本计算问题,并将碳足迹和成本的综合指标-碳效益作为产品功能性低碳包装概念设计方案的评价标准,同时还给出了节点碳流、成本流以及碳效益流模式以此方便查证包装各生命周期节点产生的碳或成本的高低问题,快速查找高碳效益节点以改变方案映射得出最优结果。并通过节点优化的正负关系以及优化分类分级来实现低碳和成本的冲突消解。 6以机电类产品一小型汽油机为实例,通过对汽油机包装的需求分析和基于主成分方法的概念设计方案映射,对产生的木材、瓦楞纸板和胶合板三种不同方案进行了碳足迹、成本和碳效益的计算,最终双层UV型瓦楞纸板包装以167.17的综合分值成为最优方案,符合目前高强度瓦楞纸板代木包装在机电产品包装中的应用趋势。同时对遴选出的瓦楞纸板方案的碳足迹数据进行了不确定性分析,确定了充填、装箱和装卸搬运环节作为整个汽油机包装生命周期的数据改进关键节点。 7总结全文并提出论文未来的研究方向。
[Abstract]:Domestic packaging industrial output jumped to nearly trillion, the 42 major industries of the national economy in fourteenth, China is trying to transition from a large packing to the packaging power at the same time, the carbon emission of packaging industry accounted for the country's total emissions of 2.74% over the same period, the total output value of the packaging industry accounted for the proportion of GDP (2.43%). Excessive and unreasonable packaging of environmental and economic problems have become increasingly severe, and becoming a great problem hindering the sustainable development of packaging industry. In order to life cycle in front of product packaging function considering the packaging of low carbon and cost issues, can be repaired and gets a variety of optimal choice before the implementation of packaging solutions, this paper focuses on the packaging low cost, carbon, and conceptual design etc. keywords mainly carried out the following work:
1 through the domestic and international carbon, packaging industry status and problems of the investigation to determine the necessity of the connotation of low-carbon packaging and implementation, from the packing should be based on "packaging" of the main features of this product is different from the general with the analysis of conceptual design in the product functional low carbon packing in the important position and the feasibility as well as packaging, combined with low carbon idea and concept design of the three.
2 Analysis of the differences between general products and product packaging, based on the general process of the concept of low-carbon packaging design, the key technical steps and the need to pay attention to in the low-carbon concept in packaging design, such as boundary determination, calculation model and evaluation mechanism of carbon footprint, and the modular and QFD Technology to the performance of modular FsD model for the formation and transformation of conceptual design of low carbon packaging.
3 established principal component analysis model of the packaging design concept, that a small amount of principal component method for information integration and inherit the original variables, and as a main component of the packaging design concept mapping requirements and customer needs to realize the principle of design, reduce the design elements of the screening and design dimensions, from a certain extent reduced concept the difficulty of the design.
4 calculate the carbon footprint of the boundary and packaging standards, packaging function parameters of low carbon within the boundaries and related matters are discussed in detail, based on this conceptual design stage considering the packaging life cycle range of carbon footprint calculation model. And the calculation of the carbon footprint of uncertainty is discussed in detail, the establishment of the analysis method of low carbon sensitive nodes.
5 in a unified boundary and standard range, also discusses the calculation of the scope of the cost, and the comprehensive benefit index of carbon - carbon footprint and cost as the evaluation of functional products of low carbon packaging concept design standards, and gives the node carbon flow, the low cost and the benefits of carbon flow to flow in order to facilitate the verification mode of the life cycle of packaging node carbon or cost, quickly find high carbon benefits to change the optimal scheme of node mapping results. And through the correlation between node optimization and optimization of classification to achieve the conflict of low carbon and cost.
6 in mechanical and electrical products a small gasoline engine as an example, through the packaging of the gasoline engine demand analysis and mapping scheme conceptual design based on principal component method, to produce wood, corrugated board and plywood three different schemes for the carbon footprint, calculate the cost and benefit of carbon, the final double UV type corrugated cardboard packaging comprehensive score of 167.17 as the optimal solution, in line with the trend of application of high strength corrugated cardboard packaging wood in mechanical and electrical products packaging. The uncertainty of carbon footprint data on the corrugated board scheme also selected the analysis to determine the filling, packing and handling as part of the whole life cycle of the gasoline engine package data improved key node.
7 summing up the full text and putting forward the future research direction of the paper.
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