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发布时间:2018-03-12 17:27

  本文选题:互联网思维 切入点:产品设计方法 出处:《武汉理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文从产品跟人之间的信息交互方式来看,更科学、合理和人性化的方式能够让产品跟人之间的信息传递更加高效,从而减轻用户的心理和生理上的负担,这已成为当下产品设计方法研究的主要趋势之一。鉴于此,本文从影响企业转型的重要因素——“互联网思维”出发,结合对传统产品设计方法的相关研究,致力于寻找“互联网思维”影响下的传统企业转型地合理途径,并针对“产品”这一企业转型过程中的核心指标,展开了一系列探讨。全文针对产品设计流程及方法进行了深层次思考,以期为传统产品设计方法提供具体而有效的参考,同时为设计师、用户、企业建立起新的产品设计思维,为产品创新设计方法注入了新鲜的血液。本文通过对互联网思维中核心——用户思维展开论述,具体描述了“用户市场调研思维”、“用户参与设计思维”、“用户评价设计思维”三个方面,结合作者实践经历验证该思维在产品设计方法中的可行性,使得本文的研究探讨更具实际意义,保证了新时代、新思维与传统产品设计方法完美结合,实现用户与产品的和谐统一。本文的创新点主要体现在:以企业核心要素——“产品”为切入点,从互联网思维的角度出发,探讨了互联网思维的核心——“用户思维”在传统产品设计方法及流程中的适用性范围。强调了用户深度参与“设计调研”、“设计研发”、“设计评价”的重要性,为传统产品的企业互联网化转型提供了详细的思路指引,有着很强的实际参考意义。 互联网体验经济时代的到来,,“用户”这一词被成功地推到了设计调研金字塔塔尖,“用户至上”、“体验为王”、“用户高度参与”等等产品理念已经深入民心,用户的角色也开始被多元化,逐渐重要起来。在调研中,用户的重要性也被提升到了产品战略阶段;在设计研发阶段,用户的参与能指导设计成果;在设计评价阶段,用户通过满意度的综合评估,能有效地产品提出反馈,让产品在市场上更受欢迎。设计者和用户之间的联系愈发紧密,用户离设计师越来越近,产品离用户也越来越近。
[Abstract]:From the point of view of the way of information interaction between products and people, a more scientific, reasonable and humanized way can make the information transmission between products and people more efficient, thus reducing the psychological and physical burden of users. This has become one of the main trends in the research of product design methods. In view of this, this paper starts from the important factor of enterprise transformation, "Internet thinking", and combines the related research on traditional product design methods. Aiming at the "product", which is the core index in the process of enterprise transformation, it is committed to find a reasonable way for the transformation of traditional enterprises under the influence of "Internet thinking". A series of discussions have been carried out. The full text has carried on the deep level ponder to the product design process and the method, in order to provide the concrete and effective reference for the traditional product design method, at the same time establishes the new product design thought for the designer, the user, the enterprise, This paper discusses the core of Internet thinking-user thinking. This paper describes the three aspects of "user market research thinking", "user participation in design thinking" and "user evaluation design thinking". Combining with the author's practical experience, the author verifies the feasibility of the thinking in the product design method. The research in this paper has more practical significance and ensures the perfect combination of new thinking and traditional product design methods in the new era. To realize the harmony and unity between users and products. The innovation of this paper is mainly reflected in: taking the core element of enterprise-"product" as the breakthrough point, starting from the perspective of Internet thinking, This paper probes into the applicability of "user thinking", the core of Internet thinking, in traditional product design methods and processes, and emphasizes the importance of user's deep participation in "design research", "design research and development" and "design evaluation". It provides a detailed guidance for the transformation of traditional products into Internet, and has a strong practical reference significance. With the advent of the era of Internet experience economy, the word "user" has been successfully pushed to the top of the pyramid of design research, "user first", "experience as king", "user participation highly" and so on. The role of the user is becoming more and more important. In the research, the importance of the user is promoted to the stage of product strategy; in the stage of design and development, the user's participation can guide the design results; in the stage of design evaluation, the user's participation can guide the design results. Through the comprehensive evaluation of customer satisfaction, the product can provide feedback effectively and make the product more popular in the market. The relationship between the designer and the user is closer and closer, the user is closer to the designer, and the product is closer to the user.


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