本文选题:热丝化学气相沉积 切入点:硼掺杂金刚石薄膜电极 出处:《浙江大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:Boron doped diamond thin film electrode has excellent electrochemical performance, it has wide electrochemical window, very low background current, high stability, and is one of the best choice of anode material in electrochemical oxidation. In this paper, boron doped diamond thin film electrodes with different scales have been prepared by hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD). The degradation of condensate water and urine in confined space was studied. Micrometer diamond films and nanoscale diamond films were prepared by HFCVD method using methane and hydrogen as precursor gases. The concentration of methane and reaction pressure were investigated. The effect of substrate temperature on the quality of diamond film and the growth rate of diamond film are studied. The kinetic model of diamond film growth is established. The results show that methane concentration, reaction pressure, Using boron borane as boron source, boron doped micrometer diamond thin film (BDMCD) electrode and boron doped nanocrystalline diamond thin film (BDNCD) electrode were prepared. Electrochemical catalytic oxidation system was constructed by using stainless steel plate as cathode. The mineralization efficiency of simulated condensate water and simulated urine. BDMCD electrode and BDNCD electrode for simulated condensate water were higher than 95. 95% and 99% for simulated urine. Nano-scale BDNCD electrode shows a slow degradation rate and a micro-nano scale effect of oxidation lag compared with micron scale BDMCD electrode. The reason is that nanoscale BDNCD electrode contains a large amount of sp2 carbon. In the process of electrochemical degradation of simulated condensate water, organic compounds are first oxidized to small molecular acids such as formic acid, acetic acid and adipic acid, and the final organic compounds only exist in the form of adipic acid. In the process of simulating the electrochemical degradation of urine, the sulfate in inorganic anions will not be oxidized, and the chlorinated compounds will eventually be oxidized to perchlorates. The nitrogen-containing compounds will be present in the final solution in the form of nitrate. For advanced treatment solution after electrochemical oxidation, coupling ion exchange resin, taking 200mL simulated urine as an example, After treatment, the TOC of the tail water was 7 mg / L, the conductivity was about 0.6 渭 S / cm, the energy consumption of the whole reaction electrochemical process was 0.096 kWhand the consumption of anion and anion exchange resin was 26.9 g. For the real urine, the consumption of the ion exchange resin and the consumption of the ion exchange resin were increased. Also take 200mL's real urine as an example. After treatment, the TOC of tail water is 30 mg / L, the conductivity is about 0.7 渭 S / cm, the energy consumption of the whole reaction electrochemical process is 0.166 kWhand the consumption of anion and anion exchange resin is 67.4 g, which can meet the requirements of regeneration and reuse of sealed space wastewater, although the degradation rate of BDNCD electrode is a little slow. The pseudo-first-order kinetic degradation rate constants of simulated condensate water and urine were only 76.7% and 69.9% of that of BDMCD electrode, respectively, but the service life of BDNCD electrode was significantly increased by 465 h, which was higher than that of BDMCD electrode. This is due to the small diameter of diamond particles at the BDNCD electrode, The surface roughness of the electrode is only 1 / 20 of that of the BDMCD electrode. Based on this, the stable service life of the electrode in simulated condensate water and urine can be estimated to be about 17 years and 1.6 years, respectively, which is sufficient to meet the requirements of the electrode replacement period in the closed space.
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