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发布时间:2018-04-02 00:28

  本文选题:康健产品 切入点:老年人 出处:《湖北工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国的社会经济伴随着新世纪的钟声有了飞速的发展,居民的生活质量也逐渐提高,随之而来的居民健康状况也得到了很大改善,但是,我国社会必须将一个问题重视起来便是我国人口已经步入了老龄化的时代,由老龄群体所带来的一系列民生问题、发展问题、家庭问题以及生活问题都将成为摆在国家和政府面前的一个个重要问题。在我国社会中,存在这样一种现象,即涉及到老年人产品的一些行业中,只把老年人当作了为企业贡献利润的特殊群体,而没有真正从服务于老年人的角度去考虑产品的设计与生产,当前社会上存在的很多产品,大多数都是以吸引人们的眼球为出发点,刺激人们的购买欲望,但却完全忽略了产品的易用性,尤其是针对老年人的易用性产品,少之又少,即便是一些打着服务于老年人幌子的老年人康健产品,也并没有真正从易用性的角度出发,没有真正了解老年人市场的需求,无法让这些康健产品真正为老年群体的健康服务。 因此,本文从工业产品设计的角度出发,对老年人康健产品的易用性展开研究,期望能够让市场中老年人康健产品的设计者、开发者以及生产者进一步了解老年人对康健产品的需求,从而在以后的设计及生产中能够根据老年人的特殊情况,设计出满足老年人健康需求的产品。文章首先对国内外有关老年人产品的现状进行了阐述,奠定本文研究的理论基础;之后对老年人群体的现状,包括其生理和心理等方面的特征展开研究;在此基础上,结合老年人的需求,对老年人康健产品发展及其使用现状进行研究,并分析目前老年人康健产品存在的缺陷;然后从易用性的角度,提出老年人康健产品的设计策略,包括设计的原则、交互的方式及产品设计的流程,并通过选择合理的指标对产品的易用性进行评价;最后以分析案例,来验证前文研究的结果。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the social economy in China in the new century, the quality of life of the residents has been gradually improved, and the health status of the residents has been greatly improved, but,One problem that our society must attach importance to is that our country's population has entered the age of aging, a series of livelihood problems and development problems brought about by the elderly groups.Family problems and life problems will become an important issue in front of the state and government.In our society, there is such a phenomenon that in some industries involving the products of the elderly, only the elderly are regarded as a special group who contribute profits to the enterprise.Instead of really considering the design and production of products from the point of view of serving the elderly, most of the products that exist in the current society are based on attracting people's eyeballs to stimulate people's desire to buy.But it completely ignores the ease of use of the product, especially for the elderly. Even some health products for the elderly under the guise of serving the elderly do not really start from the point of view of ease of use.Without a real understanding of the needs of the elderly market, these health products can not really serve the health of the elderly.Therefore, from the point of view of industrial product design, this paper studies the ease of use of health products for the elderly, hoping to enable the designers of health care products for the elderly in the market.Developers and producers can further understand the needs of the elderly for health care products, so that they can design products to meet the health needs of the elderly in the future design and production according to the special situation of the elderly.Firstly, the article expounds the current situation of the products for the elderly both at home and abroad, and establishes the theoretical basis of this study. Then, the present situation of the elderly group, including its physiological and psychological characteristics, is studied.According to the needs of the elderly, this paper studies the development and use of the health products for the elderly, and analyzes the defects of the health products for the elderly at present, and then puts forward the design strategies of the health products for the elderly from the point of view of ease of use.Including the design principles, interactive methods and product design process, and through the selection of reasonable indicators to evaluate the ease of use of the product; finally, an analysis of the case to verify the results of the previous study.


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