本文选题:黄土高原 + 植被覆盖变化 ; 参考:《中国科学院大学(中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所)》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Vegetation is a key node to carry water system, connect soil and communicate atmosphere in a region. Vegetation coverage is often directly related to the health of surface ecosystem, and is an important index to evaluate the health of ecological environment in a region.The ecological environment of the Loess Plateau is fragile, the vegetation cover is sparse, the human activity is frequent, the soil erosion is serious, the climate change and the human activity cause the vegetation cover and the ecological environment in this region to face the serious challenge.In order to study the spatial and temporal variation of vegetation cover and the driving force behind it, the distribution characteristics of vegetation coverage from 2000 to 2015 are obtained based on MODIS satellite remote sensing data.The spatial and temporal variation characteristics of vegetation coverage in different spatial ranges and different study periods were analyzed.The relationship between vegetation cover and climatic factors (temperature, precipitation) and human activities (population GDPP, policy of returning cropland to forest, urbanization process) was analyzed by using the corresponding meteorological and socio-economic data.The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the vegetation cover in the Loess Plateau is different in space, the annual average value of NDVI is 0.48-0.58 from southeast to northwest, and the annual average of vegetation cover is 0.53 in the whole study area.During the 15 years from 2000 to 2015, the vegetation cover of the Loess Plateau was in a state of restoration, and its NDVI value increased about 0.08. 2) the temperature was high in the southeast and low in the northwest of the Loess Plateau. The annual average temperature was 9.6 degrees Celsius.The distribution characteristics of precipitation are from southeast to northwest, from mountain to flat land, and the annual average precipitation is 448.3 mm.The effect of air temperature and precipitation on vegetation cover was different in different regions. The positive correlation area was 62.35, and the significant positive correlation area was 26.22. The correlation coefficient was 0.476, which was at the significant level.The area with significant positive correlation between precipitation and vegetation cover was 31.15, and the correlation coefficient between them was 0.834, which was very significant.From October to December in the same year, the effect of temperature on vegetation cover was dominant, while in May and September, precipitation played a major role.) the vegetation coverage decreased with the increase of population density and GDP. The higher the population density and GDP, the lower the mean value of GDP.At the same time, the higher the population density and the higher the population density, the faster the average NDVI decrease in the region where the population density is lower than that of the lower population density.The conversion of cropland to forest resulted in a significant increase in vegetation coverage, with an average annual NDVI increase of 0.065 per year after returning cropland to forest.Urbanization process-take Xi'an as an example, will lead to a large amount of cultivated land, green ecological land into construction land,Therefore, the policy of returning cropland to forest, which began in 1999, contributed 48.7933to the change of vegetation cover on the Loess Plateau, followed by the contribution rate of precipitation was 26.602, and the temperature and precipitation were similar.In the third place, the total contribution rate of the first three parts reached 85.849 percent, while the other driving force factors contributing to the vegetation cover in the local area were relatively small.Only 14.151%, and the order between them is: population urbanization GDP.
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