本文选题:稀疏特性 + 压缩传感 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, as one of the most popular concepts, sparsity has been widely used in the field of signal processing, including signal compression and coding, signal encryption and transmission, signal source separation, signal denoising and reconstruction, feature extraction and so on. At the same time, sparsity is used as a signal characteristic of combination of theory and practice. Domains are widely concerned, such as theoretical signal processing, statistical estimation, and calculation of harmonic analysis. The enthusiasm of the academic community for sparse characteristics is derived from a new sampling theory different from the famous Shannon sampling theorem. This theory is called "compression sensing". The theory of compressed sensing is based on the prior knowledge of the sparse characteristic of the signal itself. Shannon sampling theory is designed for universal frequency band limited signals. Today's compression sensing theory, like the theory of wavelet transform more than 20 years ago, closely links different research fields. By establishing a direct connection between sampling and sparsity, the theory of compression sensing has already been applied to medicine Imaging, coding and information theory, signal acquisition and image processing, and geophysical and astronomical data analysis have had a profound impact. The theory of compressed sensing embodies the important value of sparse characteristics, and also expounds a series of principles on sparse data representation, such as wavelet transform, curve wave transformation, etc. In fact, a signal generally does not have a sparse characteristic in direct space (i.e. pixel space), but the signal may become very sparse after the decomposition of a particular set of functions. This paper focuses on a series of application scenarios in the field of remote sensing, from the traditional signal processing method (image). The second chapter introduces the internal relations between the sparse characteristic analysis and the concept of morphological diversity, and on this basis, the third to fifth chapters discuss the specific application of the sparse characteristic analysis respectively. In the third chapter, the sparse characteristic analysis is discussed in the remote sensing map. In this chapter, a new remote sensing image denoising method based on generalized morphologic component analysis is introduced in this chapter. This new algorithm further extends the classical morphological component analysis algorithm to the architecture of blind source separation. The generalized morphological component analysis algorithm uses the strategy of iterative threshold threshold to adjust the parameters. The algorithm first deals with the most significant features in the image, and then gradually combines those less significant features to finely adjust the parameters of the whole model. In this paper, the computational complexity of the generalized morphological component analysis algorithm is mathematically analyzed, and some comparison is made with the most advanced remote sensing image denoising algorithm. In order to measure and quantify the effect of the remote sensing image denoising algorithm in the experiment, this paper uses the peak signal-to-noise ratio index and the structure similarity index respectively to evaluate the denoising effect from two aspects of the gray fidelity and the structure fidelity. The excellent denoising performance of the algorithm is analyzed, which is consistent with the visual effect shown in the image de-noising. The observer is even difficult to distinguish the original noise free images and the generalized morphologic component analysis algorithm to restore the image. The fourth chapter focuses on the sparse characteristics. In this chapter, a new method of remote sensing image restoration based on generalized morphological component analysis is introduced in this chapter. Because the generalized morphological component analysis algorithm has the ability to express and separate the morphological diversity, it is an algorithm which has the first image restoration effect. The speed of the generalized morphologic component analysis algorithm can improve the speed of the iterative process of the generalized morphologic component analysis algorithm. By adding more assumptions to the generalized morphologic component analysis algorithm, the newly proposed growth generalized morphologic component analysis algorithm is proved to be a quicker algorithm, so that it can handle very big rules. A series of experimental results. A series of experimental results show that the growth generalized morphological component analysis algorithm can well repair remote sensing images with different patterns of lost pixels. The observer is even difficult to distinguish between the original remote sensing image and the restored image by visual effect. The peak signal to noise ratio index and the structure similarity degree are very difficult to distinguish. The index also further confirms the remarkable image restoration performance of the generalized morphological component analysis algorithm, and explains why the growth generalized morphologic component analysis algorithm can obtain such good image restoration visual effects. The analysis algorithm really can greatly improve the iterative speed of the generalized morphological component analysis algorithm. The fifth chapter focuses on the application of the sparse characteristic analysis in the satellite image scene classification. In this chapter, a high resolution satellite image classification method based on the morphological composition analysis of the texture layer and the bottom layer is proposed. The dictionary matrix used in the method is constructed by the method of independent meta analysis. After the decomposition of the morphological component analysis, the morphological coefficient vectors of the texture layer and the bottom layer are obtained. These vectors are called the sparse representation of the high resolution satellite images of the input. They are combined with the two layers of the texture layer and the bottom layer. According to the maximum likelihood estimation mechanism, the overall probability of the target image classification is calculated. The quantitative analysis of the experimental results and the comparison with some classic image classification algorithms prove that the satellite scene classification algorithm based on the morphological composition analysis of the texture layer and the bottom layer is more advanced than most. The classification algorithm has higher efficiency, better classification accuracy and classification effect.
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