本文选题:恒温恒湿空调 + 模糊PID ; 参考:《沈阳工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The constant temperature and humidity air conditioning has been widely used in industrial production, scientific research and experiment as well as high grade residential buildings. However, because of the complexity of the constant temperature and humidity air conditioning system, there is a strong coupling between air temperature and humidity regulation. It is very difficult to design the controller of the constant temperature and humidity air conditioning unit because of the high standard of the air conditioning capacity of the constant temperature and humidity air conditioning system. In order to realize the high precision regulation of air supply temperature and humidity in constant temperature and humidity air conditioning and to reduce the energy consumption of constant temperature and humidity air conditioning to the maximum extent, a control scheme is designed for the air treatment device of constant temperature and humidity air conditioning in this paper. A fuzzy PID controller is designed to control air temperature and humidity. Then Simulink software is used to simulate the surface cooler, heating device, humidification device and air valve of the constant temperature and humidity air conditioner. The air treatment process of the constant temperature and constant humidity air conditioning system is simulated, and the effect of the fuzzy PID controller is verified. At the same time, in order to make the simulation environment more close to the actual situation, the temperature and humidity of outdoor environment in Shenyang area on September 1, 2015 are selected as the fresh wind state data in the simulation process. The constant temperature and humidity air conditioning is designed as the primary return air. The variable ratio of fresh air and return air is adopted to meet the quality requirements of the air supply design and to reduce the energy consumption of the constant temperature and humidity air conditioning to the greatest extent. In addition, on the basis of the Simulink simulation of the constant temperature and humidity air conditioning system, the hardware in loop simulation is realized. Fuzzy PID controller is realized by embedded technology, serial circuit is designed to realize communication between embedded controller and computer, display circuit is designed, and LCD screen is used as man-machine interface. The results of Simulink simulation and hardware in loop simulation show that the fuzzy PID controller designed in this paper can effectively control the air treatment device of constant temperature and humidity air conditioning, and achieve high precision regulation of air temperature and humidity of air conditioning. Energy is saved.
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