[Abstract]:Because of the requirement of the production process, there are many different stable working modes in the production process, which is the multi-modal production process. The characteristics of each mode are different, and the frequent switching among the modes. General modeling and optimization methods for complex industrial processes are difficult to be applied to multimodal processes. It is of great significance to study the modeling and optimization methods of multimodal industrial processes to improve the production stability and production efficiency of multimodal industrial processes. In the process of multimodal production, each mode has its own characteristics. The operation data of transition mode and stable mode do not have strict attributes of either or, and the spatial density distribution of operation variable data corresponding to different modes is obviously different. According to these characteristics, fuzzy C based on fuzzy set theory is selected. The mean value clustering method is introduced to improve the weighted density, and the fuzzy clustering analysis and modal partition of multi-modal data are realized, which lays a foundation for the modeling and optimization of multi-modal process. The RBF-ARX model is used to model the different models separately. Through simulation and analysis, it is concluded that the modeling method has good accuracy and stability for the modeling of stable mode and transition mode. Through the analysis of the transition process, the transition process is summed up as transition time determination and uncertainty, and the optimization of multi-modal processes with these two different transition modes is studied. According to the problem of transition time and resource consumption, the objective function of multimodal process optimization is constructed by using the idea of cost function. Considering the operating extremum and adjusting ability of production equipment, the constraint conditions of the optimization model are set up. The iterative genetic algorithm combined with iterative programming and genetic algorithm is introduced to optimize the operation variables of multi-modal processes with transition time. Based on the idea of bilevel optimization, the iterative genetic algorithm is improved. A bilevel iterative genetic algorithm for solving multimodal process optimization problems with uncertain transition time is proposed. The effectiveness of the optimization method is verified by simulation.
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