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发布时间:2018-08-02 19:51
[Abstract]:Aim in view of the historical and cultural characteristics of Shenyang The Imperial Palace, this paper puts forward the systematic design research of Shenyang The Imperial Palace characteristic culture creative products, and enriches Shenyang The Imperial Palace Wenchuang market. Methods from the historical and cultural point of view of Shenyang The Imperial Palace, the author summarized the design context of a set of systematic research on cultural creation products with historical and cultural characteristics, and carried out element extraction and design method according to the most representative architectural direction of Shenyang The Imperial Palace. Technical means, product carrier, product type of creative design. Conclusion through the systematical research on the design of Shenyang The Imperial Palace Wenchuang products and the design of Shenyang The Imperial Palace Architectural Literary products, the practicability, uniqueness, artistry, culture and innovation of Shenyang The Imperial Palace Venture products are highlighted. It provides a possibility for the design of Shenyang The Imperial Palace cultural and creative products.
【作者单位】: 沈阳大学;沈阳航空航天大学;


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6 张奇s,




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