[Abstract]:The electro-magnetic levitation control using Lorentz force has been widely used in active vibration isolation control of ground and space. Most of the existing researches and applications are based on the form of float and stator. Based on the assumption that the stator mass characteristic is much larger than the float and is not controlled by the reaction and other coupling effects, the six degree of freedom modeling and control of the float is carried out. For the case that the load mass characteristic is equivalent to the platform mass characteristic, the system will no longer have the form of stator and float, and the system will become two moving objects with two degrees of freedom with coupling action. The coupling action is shown in the control reaction. The inductive current generated by relative motion interacts with the magnetic field. In this paper, the coupled motion models of the load and the platform relative to any respective reference point are derived, including the coupled dynamic equations of the load motion and the relative motion of the platform, and based on the assumption of small displacement and small velocity of translation and rotation. The nonlinear equations are linearized to facilitate the feedback control with the linear controller. The numerical examples show that the results of the linearization model are consistent with the original model in a certain period of time.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院空间应用工程与技术中心;
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