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发布时间:2018-08-06 14:05
[Abstract]:Tourist souvenirs are tourist commodities which have local cultural characteristics and folk customs, and have commemorative significance and collection value. Once called the "special messenger" of the tourist destination, it is a good memory of tourist attractions' historical and cultural background and folklore culture. The packaging of tourist souvenirs is an auxiliary product which can protect, promote and beautify tourism commodities, and it is also an effective communicator of regional culture, which can also enhance the added value of souvenirs. Shanxi is rich in tourism resources and is one of the major tourist resources provinces in China. Under the background of encouraging cultural and creative products, it is of great significance to explore the packaging of tourism commodities with Shanxi cultural characteristics, to improve the level of tourism products and to promote the prosperity of Shanxi tourism products market, which is of great significance to the promotion of Shanxi's image. This paper studies and analyzes the problems existing in the packaging design of Shanxi cultural characteristics tourist souvenirs, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects: lack of cultural connotation, rough packaging, lack of regional customs, lack of obvious folklore characteristics, lack of clear orientation, Lack of attention to personality; lack of innovative ideas, weak excavation of traditional characteristics; lack of brand awareness, packaging design concept old. " In view of the existing problems, starting with the current research situation of tourism souvenir packaging at home and abroad, the concept, characteristics and relationship between tourism souvenirs and packaging design are analyzed systematically. This paper makes the corresponding market research on the current situation of the major scenic spots in Shanxi Province, and sums up the relevant contents through a large number of case studies and other methods. Secondly, it excavates the characteristic elements in the packaging of tourist souvenirs, focusing on the regional culture of Shanxi Province and making a key analysis from the aspects of Buddhist elements, humanistic elements, courtyard building elements, ticket cultural elements, paper-cut elements and so on. The influence of regional culture on packaging design of tourist souvenirs is summarized, and the method of extracting the elements of Shanxi regional culture design is discussed. This paper probes into the innovation of Shanxi characteristic tourism souvenir packaging, summarizes the breakthrough point of tourism souvenir packaging theme, makes the packaging design novel and creative, and finally, carries on the practice exploration with the tourism souvenir packaging which I have participated in the instruction.


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