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发布时间:2018-08-06 15:10
[Abstract]:Shop scheduling involves the operation management of production planning, purchasing, warehouse, sales and so on. As the core of production system, the optimization of shop scheduling scheme can improve the efficiency of production and the utilization of equipment. Because the products tend to be individualized and the process routes are more diversified, it is urgent for enterprises to realize the customization of small batch production quickly and effectively, and to improve the flexibility of the production system has become one of the main means to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Most of the researches on job shop scheduling problem assume various parameters as some specific value, and this kind of deterministic scheduling model can not well reflect the actual production situation. The fuzzy flexible scheduling studied in this paper can more accurately describe the processing time and the due date of production, which can not be accurately described in a certain range, which is helpful to the improvement of the scheduling model. There have been a lot of achievements on fuzzy and flexible job shop scheduling alone, and it will be much more complicated to consider the two characteristics at the same time. The problem will become more complex with the increase of scale and constraints, and the methods of mathematical programming, rule heuristics and so on are restricted. The use of the mixture of intelligent algorithms is helpful to solve the scheduling problem, in which the genetic algorithm is easy to operate. Because of its good robustness and good compatibility, it is often used to combine with other algorithms. The algorithm used in this paper is improved on the basis of the combination of immune algorithm and genetic algorithm. Aiming at the flexible job shop scheduling problem with fuzzy processing time and fuzzy due date, the multi-objective fuzzy flexible job shop scheduling model is constructed by using weighted target value method, and the design flow of the improved immune genetic algorithm is given. In the algorithm, the chromosome is encoded by real number string proposed by Xuan Guang male, and the adaptive extraction vaccine operation of concentration suppression is used. A new vaccination operation using simulated annealing is proposed. Before inoculation, the alleles on the vaccine fragments were judged by using the detection strategy. The specific method was to compare the corresponding gene sites of the new and the old optimal individuals. If the probability of appearing in the memory bank was small, the exchange would be strictly controlled. Decide whether the solution is illegal before you decide to abandon it. If there is no change in the vaccine gene in successive generations of inoculation, further comparison of the other values on the gene site can constitute the optimal individual, determine whether the optimal gene or fall into the local optimal. Inoculation with probability by simulated annealing can effectively improve premature convergence and poor local search ability, and add memory bank to make up for the inflexibility of fixed cross mutation. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm are verified by a simulation example in reference. Then, the Kacem fuzzy flexible job shop scheduling, which is often used as a standard example, is solved by taking the processing time and satisfaction degree as the index. Compared with the Pareto optimal solution of the single objective genetic algorithm, the results show that the algorithm improves the global search ability and convergence speed significantly, and then takes the processing time and machine load as the index, and tests with 8 / 8 and 10 / 10 examples. This algorithm obtains better or equivalent Pareto solutions than other algorithms in literature. Finally, the Rastrigin function is used as the Benchmark to analyze the convergence. Compared with other algorithms in the literature, the improved immune genetic algorithm is superior to most of the algorithms in solving the problem which is prone to fall into local optimum. The early stage can jump out of the local convergence quickly and make up for the defect of wave oscillation when the latter is near the optimal solution.


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