发布时间:2018-08-09 21:11
[Abstract]:Distillation is one of the most widely used operations in the process of petrochemical production. Small disturbances to the distillation equipment may cause accidents and produce huge economic losses. In order to ensure the safety and smooth operation of the distillation unit, the deterioration trend of the parameters in the abnormal state is found in time. It is necessary to identify the abnormal causes in time and to prevent and control from the source. There are a lot of disturbances in the distillation process. The cause of disturbance is difficult to be determined and the accuracy of the disturbance information diagnosis is difficult to be improved. Based on the above problems, this paper applies the inverse thought in the physical field to the field of distillation disturbance diagnosis, establishes a disturbance inversion model, and analyzes the cause of disturbance. This paper takes the single and bivariate perturbation as an example. The problem of the inversion of the cause of the distillation process is studied. Considering the nonlinear and non stability of the dynamic distillation process, combining the equations of material balance and energy balance, the dynamic mathematical model of the distillation column is established by the method of mechanism modeling, and the normal and abnormal samples are simulated dynamically, and the artificial neural network (ANN) is used for the dynamic simulation. The NSA and support vector machine (SVM) method are used to determine the disturbance type, and then the inverse model of the disturbance momentum and the feature representation is established by combining the genetic algorithm (GA). The size of the disturbance is obtained by operation. The depth learning (D) is used in this paper. L) to identify the type of disturbance and enhance the intelligence of the identification process. In this paper, a dynamic simulation system is established by selecting the propane production process as the research object, and the inversion model of the disturbance is also established. The common disturbance causes in the process are diagnosed and the methods are verified and contrasted. The results show that this method is used. The method can locate the disturbance types quickly and get the disturbance quantities accurately, thus realizing the in-depth identification of the disturbance causes of the dynamic distillation system.
[Abstract]:Distillation is one of the most widely used operations in the process of petrochemical production. Small disturbances to the distillation equipment may cause accidents and produce huge economic losses. In order to ensure the safety and smooth operation of the distillation unit, the deterioration trend of the parameters in the abnormal state is found in time. It is necessary to identify the abnormal causes in time and to prevent and control from the source. There are a lot of disturbances in the distillation process. The cause of disturbance is difficult to be determined and the accuracy of the disturbance information diagnosis is difficult to be improved. Based on the above problems, this paper applies the inverse thought in the physical field to the field of distillation disturbance diagnosis, establishes a disturbance inversion model, and analyzes the cause of disturbance. This paper takes the single and bivariate perturbation as an example. The problem of the inversion of the cause of the distillation process is studied. Considering the nonlinear and non stability of the dynamic distillation process, combining the equations of material balance and energy balance, the dynamic mathematical model of the distillation column is established by the method of mechanism modeling, and the normal and abnormal samples are simulated dynamically, and the artificial neural network (ANN) is used for the dynamic simulation. The NSA and support vector machine (SVM) method are used to determine the disturbance type, and then the inverse model of the disturbance momentum and the feature representation is established by combining the genetic algorithm (GA). The size of the disturbance is obtained by operation. The depth learning (D) is used in this paper. L) to identify the type of disturbance and enhance the intelligence of the identification process. In this paper, a dynamic simulation system is established by selecting the propane production process as the research object, and the inversion model of the disturbance is also established. The common disturbance causes in the process are diagnosed and the methods are verified and contrasted. The results show that this method is used. The method can locate the disturbance types quickly and get the disturbance quantities accurately, thus realizing the in-depth identification of the disturbance causes of the dynamic distillation system.
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