[Abstract]:Under the action of external load, service environment and internal factors of materials, the strength, bearing capacity and reliability of engineering structures or structural members gradually decrease with the development of time, which will affect their safe and effective service. The time-varying reliability analysis of structures has the following characteristics: 1) the external load action or the performance degradation law is often described by stochastic process; 2) the limit state equation (LSE) generally has the characteristics of implicit function; 3) the reliability problem of engineering structures generally involves the problem of small failure probability; 4) the reliability analysis method commonly used has calculation. Therefore, only by establishing a perfect time-varying reliability analysis model and developing an efficient time-varying reliability algorithm can the time-varying reliability analysis and optimization design of complex structures be effectively solved to meet the needs of practical engineering design. The following are: (1) Considering the implicit limit state equation and small failure probability, an AK-SS method for calculating the small failure probability is proposed. That is, the Kriging proxy model based on a small number of sample points is used to approximate the real limit state equation, and the model is updated step by step by active learning method. The AK-SS method is applied to the reliability analysis of underground tunnel lining structure, and the results show that the method is very effective in dealing with the problem of small and medium failure probability in engineering practice. (2) Considering the monotonic degradation of structure. A time-varying reliability analysis model based on mixed stochastic process is proposed. Gamma stochastic process is used to simulate the degradation caused by time effect, Poisson stochastic process is used to describe the stochastic impact effect, and a more comprehensive composite degradation model is proposed. The time-varying reliability analysis model provides an effective method for the time-varying reliability analysis of engineering structures with test data and model uncertainties. (3) In view of the non-monotonic variation of structural function, the time-varying reliability analysis model is combined. A hybrid EGO-AK-SS time-varying reliability calculation method is proposed based on the extremum method and AK-SS method. The Kriging extremum response surface of time-varying function is established by using the hybrid EGO (Mixed Efficient Global Optimization) algorithm, and the precision of the extremum response surface is improved step by step with the AK-SS algorithm, and the failure probability is calculated simultaneously. Considering the advantages of EGO calculation efficiency and AK-SS method in dealing with implicit small failure probability, this method is applied to simple mechanical structures, which improves the calculation efficiency and is suitable for solving time-varying reliability of practical structures. (4) A hybrid EGO-SORA time-varying reliability optimization design method is proposed for reliability optimization problems with time-varying probability constraints. Hybrid EGO method transforms time-varying probability constraints into time-invariant forms and establishes Kriging extremum response surface of constraint functions. SORA (sequential optimization and reliability assessment) method is used to transform reliability optimization design into sequential deterministic optimization design and inverse reliability analysis, and update the reduction with the current most likely failure point. Kriging extremum response surface of bundle function. This method has the characteristics of high accuracy in dealing with time-varying reliability by hybrid EGO method and high efficiency in solving reliability optimization design by SORA. It is applied to simple mechanical structures and improves calculation efficiency. It can be used to deal with time-varying reliability optimization design problems in engineering practice.
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