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发布时间:2018-10-13 12:31
[Abstract]:Hyperspectral remote sensing images contain a large number of continuous narrow band images in the same spatial position. They are three-dimensional data composed of two-dimensional spatial information and one-dimensional spectral information. They are widely used in environmental monitoring geological survey and other fields. Noise is inevitably introduced in the process of hyperspectral image acquisition, which reduces the image quality and affects the performance of subsequent image processing applications. Therefore, hyperspectral image denoising is a very important work of image preprocessing. Recently, hyperspectral image denoising based on low rank approximation and sparse representation has attracted much attention. In hyperspectral images, the spectral vectors in the whole band image blocks (including sub-cubes of different waveband images in the same local region) are closely related, and there is also a great correlation between adjacent bands. This feature reveals that spectral vectors in a pure full band image block can be linearly represented by a small number of primitives. Non-local similarity, that is, there are several image blocks similar to them in the image space, and the same exists in hyperspectral images. For hyperspectral images with non-locally similar full-band image blocks de-noising can take advantage of the spatial dimension of the image self-similarity to bring additional structural information which has the opportunity to bring better denoising effect. It is important to note that there are some differences between the non-local similar full-band image blocks due to their different spatial positions. Based on this consideration, a novel hyperspectral image denoising method based on group sparse nonnegative matrix decomposition is proposed to reflect the similarity and difference simultaneously. In the proposed method, the spectral vectors in a full-band image block are assumed to be linearly represented by a small number of primitives, and the representation coefficients are sparse. Each full band image block corresponds to a set of decomposed images. Due to the use of sparse regularization terms, the spectral vectors in the same full band image block share exactly the same fundamental subsets in the reconstruction. It reflects the strong local correlation in hyperspectral images. At the same time, the spectral vectors of different full band image blocks share some elements, that is, each full band image block may hold its own unique elements in decomposition, corresponding to the non-local similarity and difference in hyperspectral images. Therefore, by sparse nonnegative matrix decomposition, the shared unique structure in hyperspectral images can be realized simultaneously. In this paper, the noise models of hyperspectral images are established, including Gao Si noise model and Poisson Gao Si mixed noise model. In the case of Poisson Gao Si mixed noise, the variance stabilization transformation is used to transform it into an approximation of Gao Si noise. Then, based on the analysis of the characteristics of hyperspectral structure, the idea and detailed process of hyperspectral image denoising method based on sparse nonnegative matrix decomposition are presented. For model optimization, the theoretical derivation and optimization steps of three optimization algorithms are given, and the efficiency of the algorithm is compared through experiments. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by comparing the proposed denoising method with the related methods through the simulation and real experiments on the hyperspectral data set.


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