[Abstract]:Engineering, as a large-scale application of scientific knowledge organized by human beings in the form of projects, makes the material and energy of nature serve the systematic activities of human beings efficiently and reliably, and is bound to be restricted by historical conditions. It is a historical category that evolves and evolves step by step because of its mutual construction with social factors. From the point of view of the development process, the nature and appearance of river engineering, especially the relationship between man and river engineering, evolves with the development of history. However, the inevitable logic is implied behind the accidental historical phenomenon. The inherent logic of river engineering development is: from ancient engineering, modern engineering to modern engineering, corresponding to "natural logic", "capital logic" and "free logic". By investigating river engineering in the logical process of history, we can scientifically understand and thoroughly grasp its development trend and evolution law, and can grasp the context of river sustainable development more comprehensively and objectively in the field of engineering.
【作者单位】: 河海大学马克思主义学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金项目“河流工程责任伦理研究”(17BZX599) 江苏省社科基金重大项目“中国特色社会主义共享发展理念研究”(15zd001) 河海大学中央高校基本业务费项目(2016B32914)
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