[Abstract]:Hyperspectral remote sensing images contain rich spatial, radiative and spectral information about surface matter. They play an increasingly important role in remote sensing information processing, and have been widely used in the classification of urban features and environmental monitoring. Military target recognition and many other fields. However, the traditional remote sensing information processing technology is faced with many problems and challenges in interpreting hyperspectral remote sensing images: how to effectively utilize the multiple information provided by hyperspectral images and how to solve the performance bottleneck of small sample classification. Based on the characteristics of hyperspectral remote sensing images and the existing remote sensing information processing techniques, this paper studies how to obtain the discriminant 3D spatial spectrum features from hyperspectral remote sensing images. Furthermore, various spatial spectral features are fused to realize the effective classification of ground objects. Most of the existing space-spectrum feature extraction methods combine spatial features of different bands mechanically and do not make full use of the context information in the spatial spectral structure of hyperspectral remote sensing images. In order to solve this problem, a novel spatial spectral feature extraction method for hyperspectral remote sensing images based on 3D local binary mode (Local Binary Patterns,LBP) is proposed. In this method, the obtained 3D LBP coding features are reduced by pattern statistics, and a dense coding pattern oriented to 3D topology is established to replace the traditional weighted coding, which makes the 3D LBP coding model rotation-invariant. Enhance the ability to identify features. In addition, the fuzzy processing of threshold operation in 3D LBP coding model is realized by introducing relaxation variables, which eliminates the influence of noise and the unevenness of reflection distribution of similar ground objects, and improves the robustness of 3D LBP coding features. The experimental results show that the spatial spectral feature extraction method based on 3D LBP coding can effectively utilize the context semantics of hyperspectral image space-spectrum structure and improve the performance of small sample classification. On the other hand, the features obtained by different three-dimensional space-spectrum feature extraction methods have different applicable characteristics. Specifically, 3D Gabor features are robust to illumination and shadow in images, and 3D morphological features can effectively capture the shape features of ground objects in images. The 3D local binary model has a better ability to represent the spatial features in the image. Because these three features represent the three different attributes of the hyperspectral images from the three aspects of illumination robustness, ground object shape and spatial relationship, there are differences and complementarities in their ability to distinguish ground objects in hyperspectral images. Based on this, a spatial feature classification method for hyperspectral remote sensing images based on sparse decision fusion is proposed. This method combines the advantages of the above three spatial spectral features by sparse representation and realizes the complementary advantages. The experimental results show that the 3D space-spectrum feature classification method based on sparse decision fusion can give full play to the advantages of the three space-spectrum features and further improve the classification performance of small samples of hyperspectral remote sensing images.
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