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发布时间:2018-11-22 17:53
【摘要】:异形型材凭借其刚性、耐腐蚀性、抗老化性方面的优越性能,成为使用越来越广泛的一种建筑材料。异形型材的生产过程中需要大量人力来完成,尤其是包装过程,现在的生产厂家主要是依靠人力来完成异形型材的摆放、套袋、捆扎以及码垛工作,工人劳动强度大,成本高,效率低。异形型材自动包装机将型材从生产线直接进行包装操作,显著降低了工人的劳动强度,减少了人工成本,对于大批量生产,优势尤为突出。另外,异形型材自动包装机减少了包装过程中的人工参与和型材的裸露运输,对减少安全事故以及型材的表面损坏具有重要意义。为了能够全面了解国内外包装机械的现状及发展,大量查阅国内外包装机械的文献资料。通过实地考察,了解型材的生产状况,通过分析人工包装过程,总结出型材包装的工作流程。为满足包装机的功能要求,研究包装流程,分析每个包装操作的特点,确定实现异形型材翻转、摆放、套袋、捆扎以及码垛所需要的结构方案。为提高设计效率,采用数字化设计方法,根据确定的结构方案,完成包装机翻转、摆放、套袋、捆扎以及码垛等模块的结构设计,并通过UG建立三维的结构模型,缩短研发周期。为保证异形型材包装机各模块内部以及模块之间的精确传动,对包装机的传动系统进行设计,选择合适的执行元件。设计合理的控制流程,确保包装过程准确可靠。为检验已设计结构的机械性能,利用ANSYS Workbench14.0,对其关键部件进行有限元分析。根据设计制造样机进行调试,通过长时间不间断运行,检验包装效果,解决出现的问题,完成异形型材自动包装机的研发。本课题研制的异形型材自动包装机已在多家工厂投入使用,在工作效率和包装效果方面完全满足生产需求,该课题成果也对其他材料的包装有所启发。
[Abstract]:Special-shaped profile has become a widely used building material because of its rigidity, corrosion resistance and aging resistance. The production of special-shaped profiles requires a large number of manpower to complete, especially the packaging process. Now manufacturers mainly rely on manpower to complete the placement of special-shaped profiles, bagging, bundling, and palletizing work. Workers have a high labor intensity and high cost. Low efficiency. The automatic packing machine of profiled material directly carries on the packing operation from the production line, which obviously reduces the labor intensity of the workers and reduces the labor cost, especially for mass production. In addition, the automatic packing machine reduces the manual participation in the packing process and the exposed transportation of the profile, which is of great significance to reduce the safety accidents and the surface damage of the profile. In order to fully understand the present situation and development of packaging machinery at home and abroad, a large number of domestic and foreign packaging machinery literature. Through field investigation to understand the production situation of profile, through the analysis of manual packaging process, summed up the work flow of profile packaging. In order to meet the functional requirements of the packaging machine, this paper studies the packaging process, analyzes the characteristics of each packing operation, and determines the structural scheme needed for the realization of the rollover, placement, bagging, binding and palletizing of special-shaped profiles. In order to improve design efficiency, digital design method is adopted to complete the structural design of packaging machine modules such as flipping, placing, bagging, bundling and palletizing according to the determined structural scheme. The 3D structural model is established by UG. Shorten R & D cycle. In order to ensure the precise transmission inside and between the modules of the profiled material packaging machine, the transmission system of the packaging machine is designed, and the appropriate actuator is selected. Design reasonable control flow to ensure accurate and reliable packaging process. In order to test the mechanical properties of the designed structure, the finite element analysis of its key components is carried out by using ANSYS Workbench14.0,. According to the design and manufacture of prototype debugging, through a long period of uninterrupted operation, testing packaging effect, solve the problems, and complete the research and development of profiled profile automatic packaging machine. The automatic packing machine for special-shaped profile has been put into use in many factories, which can meet the demand of production in working efficiency and packaging effect. The results of this paper are also enlightening to the packaging of other materials.


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