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发布时间:2018-12-10 08:48
[Abstract]:When simulating slope rainfall infiltration, the existing numerical simulation methods usually can not consider the influence of runoff flow recharge on landslide seepage. When the permeability of sliding bed and slip zone is very low, the rainfall infiltration will be underestimated. The phenomenon of overestimating the stability of landslides. Based on Richards equation, motion wave equation and finite element method, a numerical simulation method for landslide seepage during rainfall is presented. The method neglects the seepage of the sliding bed and the slip zone and only considers the seepage process of the sliding body, thus reducing the calculation scale and avoiding the difficulty of numerical calculation caused by the great difference between the permeability of the slider and the slip bed. According to the saturation of rainfall infiltration boundary in topographic and slippery body, the rainfall infiltration boundary type and flow rate are modified, and the simplified numerical simulation of landslide rainfall infiltration considering runoff flow recharge is realized. The numerical simulation of rainfall infiltration of simple soil slope is carried out. The difference between considering and not considering runoff flow recharge is compared from the two angles of water balance and slope seepage field. The results show that the balance of the calculated results can be ensured only when runoff recharge is taken into account and the effect of rainfall infiltration on the reduction of matrix suction can be correctly reflected.
【作者单位】: 三峡大学水利与环境学院;


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