[Abstract]:Image sonar is the main detection equipment in the application fields of underwater target search, positioning imaging, risk-avoiding life-saving and alert security, and plays an irreplaceable role in the national production and national security field. With the development of the image sonar technology and the electronic information technology, the signal processing method has changed from the full-analog device beam to a full-digital real-time beam forming, and the working system has gradually developed into the electronic multi-beam imaging by the mechanical single-beam scanning, The operating frequency is from the narrow band single frequency to the wide band transition. With the continuous extension of the application field and the working environment, the image sonar is gradually reduced in the volume of the equipment, and the requirements of the dynamic range and the calculation precision of the digital signal processing are also increasing. However, because the operation speed of floating point is relatively slow, the calculation structure is relatively complex, and the research of high-speed large-scale floating point processing algorithm and application in the field of underwater acoustic signal processing is less common, especially in the broadband image sonar. It is foreseen that with the development of the image sonar, the broadband, floating-point, high-speed and miniaturization have become the inevitable choice of technology in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a high-speed floating-point signal processing technique suitable for wide-band image sonar in advance so as to provide guidance for the design of the future broadband image sonar. Based on the review of the technology development of the narrow-band image sonar, the fixed-point signal processing of the broadband image sonar and the traditional floating-point signal processing, the multi-channel floating-point pulse compression is applied to the background of the high-speed floating-point broadband image sonar signal processing application. The theory and experiment of distributed floating point fractional delay filtering and multi-channel floating-point beam forming are studied. In this paper, the main performance of single-channel time-domain and frequency-domain pulse compression on DSP and FPGA is compared. The multi-channel signal processing framework based on on-chip programmable system (SOPC) is proposed in order to solve the problem that the multi-channel frequency-domain pulse compression resource has large occupation and complex control design. And a floating-point multi-channel pulse compression system capable of flexibly configuring and cutting is realized by utilizing the framework design. The main performance and key parameters of the floating-point multi-channel pulse compression system under different working parameters are analyzed. In order to realize the high-precision time-delay wave beam formation, the fractional delay filter coefficient design algorithm for FPGA application is compared with the principle of fractional delay filtering. The classical Farrow structure fractional delay filter is analyzed, and the distributed floating point time delay filter is proposed based on the principle of distributed algorithm. The computational accuracy, dynamic range and resource occupancy of the distributed floating-point time-delay filter under different time-and-space optimization schemes are studied. In order to complete the high-speed floating-point beam forming operation, the problems of the conventional floating-point multiplier and floating-point accumulator are analyzed. The key arithmetic units, such as fast-shift tree, floating-point 4-2 compressor, and distributed floating-point accumulator, which are more suitable for application on FPGA are put forward. In this paper, several multi-channel floating-point beam former in different configurations are designed, and the main performance of the floating-point fractional delay-beam former is analyzed by combining with the distributed floating-point time-delay filter. The direct sector address generation and data caching algorithm is studied, so that the digital signal processing structure of the wideband image sonar is optimized, and the overall processing speed is improved. the floating-point multi-channel pulse compression system, the distributed floating-point delay filter and the multi-channel floating-point beam former are combined to form a floating-point signal processing test system of a broadband image sonar, The working principle and main performance of the system are analyzed and verified by hardware test and pool experiment.
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