[Abstract]:The first work of the paper is to study the integration of learning. In the field of machine learning, we call a system or model that has the ability to learn from empirical knowledge, called a learner. In general, it is much less expensive to train a weaker model than to train a more powerful model. Integrated learning is a kind of special machine learning method, its idea is not to train a strong learner directly, but by combining a group of weak learner to get an integrated learner with strong learning ability. The performance of the integrated learning algorithm depends on two factors: the performance of the base-based learner and the difference between the base-based learning devices. At present, the commonly used integrated learning algorithm includes Bagging, Boosting and the like, while the performance of each base learner is improved, the difference between the base-learning devices is maintained in a recessive way, so that the performance of the final integrated learner is optimized. Negative correlation learning (NCL) is a kind of integrated learning algorithm, which is commonly used in the integration of neural network, which is introduced into the loss function of the neural network as a dominant measure standard, and then influences the training of the neural network. The performance and diversity of the base neural network can be balanced by adjusting the influence factors, so as to obtain an integrated neural network model with optimal performance. Based on the idea of NCL, we put forward a new kind of integrated learning calculation The first point of NCL is to use the neural network as the base learner, and most of the research on the NCL is based on the neural network as the base learning model. The main reason is that the neural network has a dominant loss function. The BP algorithm of training neural network is a kind of optimization calculation using gradient descent method to minimize the loss function. This paper compares the similarity between the neural network and another commonly used learning model: the gradient lifting machine (GBM), and puts forward the idea of using the GBM instead of the neural network to practice the negative correlation study, and designs a new integrated learning algorithm: GB-NC L. The design idea and detailed steps of the GB-NCL algorithm are given in this paper, and the classification of the NCL algorithm and the gradient lifting algorithm based on the neural network are compared by the experiment. The results show that the GB-NCL algorithm has better performance compared with the two algorithms. The second work of the paper is to design and implement a new classification algorithm for high-spectral remote sensing image classification based on the GB-NCL algorithm: RCA The characteristic of high-spectral remote sensing image classification is that the mark sample is small, the unlabeled sample is more, and the pixel point of the remote sensing image of the artificial mark belongs to the cost of the object class. The first one, using the active learning algorithm, selects the most valuable pixel points from a large number of unlabeled samples to let the human expert mark the place to which it belongs. The feature of this method is that the quality of the new training samples is high (the class label is 100% correct), but Second, with a semi-supervised learning algorithm, the trained classifier is used to give some unlabeled sample-like reference numbers, and they are treated as real-available samples, added to the training set, and we call it "trunk>" dummy mark " Samples. This type of algorithm can greatly improve the number of training samples, but cannot guarantee the class label of the newly added pseudo-marker sample. It is correct. The quantity is too large and the quality is not good. This is a semi-supervised learning algorithm. The feature of this paper is to combine the active learning with the semi-supervised learning, and to introduce a set of "pseudo-"-labeled sample verification mechanism to check the pseudo-mark samples introduced in the semi-supervised learning and to use the non-qualified pseudo-marker samples. The method can not only obtain enough training samples, but also guarantee the training sample. The quality of this set. With a more complete set of training, the trained classifiers will naturally Better performance. According to this idea, we designed RCA for hyperspectral remote sensing in the paper The SSL algorithm. RCASSL not only uses the tagged samples while training the classifier, but uses semi-supervised learning to introduce Pseudo-mark samples. We use the GB-NCL algorithm to check the pseudo-marker samples introduced by the semi-supervised learning method to improve the pseudo-mark sample. We compared the RCASSL algorithm, the MCLU-ECBD algorithm and the RCASSL-No on the high-spectral remote sensing data set. The PLV algorithm. The MCLU-ECBD algorithm is a common master The RCASSL-NoPLV algorithm is an RCA to remove the pseudo-marker-like verification link. The results of the experiment show that, in the case of introducing the same number of tag samples, the algorithm of the RCASSL The result of comparison between RCASSL and MCLU-ECBD shows that combining semi-supervised learning can improve the performance of active learning algorithm, and the comparison between RCASSL and RCASSL-NoPLV shows that we use the GB-NCL algorithm to implement the pseudo-mark verification machine.
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