[Abstract]:The idea that human activities produce a large amount of greenhouse gases to accelerate global warming has been widely accepted. In the face of more and more serious environmental and resource pressures, a "low-carbon revolution" with high energy efficiency and low emissions as the core has been launched around the world. Manufacturing industry is the key field of carbon emission. As a big manufacturing country, it is of great significance to study how to realize "low carbon emission reduction" in manufacturing process from many angles. Although more and more research on carbon footprint has been done in recent years, it is based on spatial dimension to study the accounting and optimal control of carbon footprint in the whole life cycle of products, but there is little research on carbon footprint monitoring in the process of station production in time dimension. Based on the above facts, based on the time dimension, this paper studies the real-time and effective monitoring of the carbon footprint of the whole process of station production through statistical process control theory, which provides a reference for the low-carbon emission reduction work of enterprises. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) the research results of carbon footprint based on spatial dimension are summarized and reviewed, the spatial dimension and time dimension of carbon footprint are compared and analyzed, and the definition of carbon footprint based on time dimension is given. This paper creatively puts forward the effective monitoring of the carbon footprint of the whole process of station production through statistical process control theory from the point of view of time dimension. (2) the application method of SPC control chart is analyzed and studied, the limitations of the application of SPC control chart are expounded, and the related solutions are analyzed and compared. Finally, it is determined that the Bayesian estimation theory is used to make up for the shortcomings of the traditional SPC control chart when the carbon footprint samples are insufficient in the initial stage of production. (3) A time dimension based carbon footprint accounting model is proposed, and the system boundary of the carbon footprint is determined. It provides an accurate quantitative method for the study of station carbon footprint. (4) considering the limitations of traditional SPC control chart application when carbon footprint samples are insufficient and the existence of prior information of carbon footprint in the actual production process of enterprises, a statistical process control model of station carbon footprint based on conjugated Bays and Bayesian assumptions is proposed respectively. By using two kinds of models to estimate the overall distribution parameters of the carbon footprint of the station, the boundary of the traditional SPC control chart is optimized, which makes up for the defect of the poor monitoring ability of the traditional SPC control chart under the condition of small samples. (5) taking the screen printing station of H instrument Group as an example, the effectiveness of the station carbon footprint accounting model and the two kinds of statistical process control models based on Bayesian estimation is verified. The application effects of two kinds of statistical process control models based on Bayesian estimation are analyzed and compared through examples. It is considered that the carbon footprint statistical process control model based on conjugated Bayesian should be applied first under the premise of prior information. (6) based on the mathematical model described in this paper, a station carbon footprint monitoring system is designed and developed, which realizes the analysis, statistics, real-time monitoring and alarm function of the carbon footprint in the whole process of station production. It is of great practical value to the low carbon emission reduction work of H instrument Group.
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