人大经济论坛 › 教师信息› 刘丽文简介_研究领域_学术成果_清华大学经济管理学院管理科学与工程系教授-教师点评 - 人大经济论坛
教师名称 刘丽文
工作单位1(学校) 清华大学
工作单位2(院系) 经济管理学院管理科学与工程系
主要研究领域 1 企业生产与运营管理 2 运营战略 3 物流管理 4 服务管理 5 JIT和精益生产 6 工业工程
职称 教授
1 1989 日本名古屋工业大学 经营工学 博士学位
2 1986 日本名古屋工业大学 经营工学 硕士学位
3 1982 北方交通大学 机械 学士学位
1 2002/03/01 完整服务产品和服务提供系统的设计
2 2002/03/01 我国企业实施ERP的外部环境及其风险分析
3 2003/02/01 供应链管理思想及其理论和方法的发展过程
4 2002/04/01 企业供应链管理的实施策略
5 2002/08/24 Purchasing and materials management for manufacturing enterprises
6 2003/09/01 VMI环境下的库存与发货模型研究
7 2003/12/01 运用ABC方法评估客户价值
8 2003/08/01 QuantityDiscount Policy underProbabilistic Demand in Supply Chain Management
9 2003/11/01 An Asymmetric Information Game based Pricing Method in Mass Customization
10 2003/11/01 企业业务外包的发展趋势及主要模式
11 2004/02/28 《服务运营管理》
12 2004/04/28 面向复杂制造业企业的供应链管理实施策略
13 2004/08/08 The Benefit of VMI in a One-supplier-and-multi-retailers Supply Chain with Correlated Demands
14 2004/11/15 A Supply Chain Contract Model with Options: Optimal Strategies and the Value Measurement
15 2004/12/19 The order quantity and timing coordination with price discount in a one-supplier-two-buyer supply chain
16 2004/11/11 Regulating broadband wireless - Special issues on developing markets
17 2004/10/16 Pro-Development Globalization - Building Information Age Infrastructure in Developing Countries
18 2007/09/01 Management strategy of materials supply for manufacturing organizations
19 2007/10/01 Coordination in a retailer-led supply chain through option contract
20 2007/10/01 Capacity decisions and supply price games under flexibility of backward integration
21 2007/10/01 Logistics sourcing strategies in supply chain design
22 2007/06/01 MC模式下供应链动态调度的蚁群寻优分析
23 2007/03/01 4PL模式下的供应链资源整合决策机制研究
24 2007/03/01 外包的起源、发展及研究现状综述
25 2007/06/01 基于供应链的企业信贷风险评估研究
26 2007/05/01 成本信息共享下供应链成员收益的影响因素
27 2007/08/01 Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm Analysis on Supply Chain Resources Integration Decision in 4PL
28 2007/10/11 Consignment stock model and transportation policies in a single-vendor multi-buyer system
29 2007/08/01 An Extended Analysis of Consignment Stock Policy in the Presence of Product Obsolescence
30 2007/12/20 一对多供应链在传统、信息共享和供应商管理库存模式下的绩效比较
31 2007/12/05 Construct supply chain trust management system: An integration of social psychological evolution into the supply chain process
32 2008/02/01 Supply chain coordination with manufacturer’s limited reserve capacity: An extended newsboy problem
33 2008/05/01 4PL模式下供应链资源整合决策的优化模型及算法分析
34 2008/12/05 Coordination by Option Contracts in a Retailer-Led Supply Chain with Demand Update
35 2008/05/01 4PL模式下供应链资源整合的参数展开模型分析
36 2008/11/01 下游零售商强势背景下的多对一供应链协调模型
37 2008/10/05 The Optimal Pricing and Operational Policies in a CS System with One Vendor and Multiple Competing Buyers
38 2006/05/20 Supply Chain Coordination with Quantity Discount Policy,
39 2006/03/20 The Supply Chain Management of the Consumer Electronics Industry in China: A Comparative Case Study of three Transnational Companies
40 2006/06/20 Supply Chain Capacity Games with Tapered Integration and Demand Substitutions
41 2006/06/20 Performance Comparison between VMI and RMI Supply Chain Models
42 2006/01/05 Different Types of Company’s Logistics Strategies in China
43 2006/01/05 A Systematic Study on Supply Chain Trust in Multicultural Setting
44 2006/12/20 Management Strategy of Materials Supply for Manufacturing Organizations,
45 2006/11/10 不同预测策略与需求特征下VMI与RMI的分析比较
46 2005/03/01 随机需求下基于价格折扣的两种供应链协调策略
47 2005/08/01 Supply chain coordination under rebate with dynamic target,
48 2005/08/01 Capacity decision of supply chain with flexibility of backward integration
49 2005/08/01 Achieving coordination by option contracts in a downstreamer-lead supply chain
50 2005/12/01 基于供应链的中立B2B电子市场的商业模式研究
51 2005/06/01 Supply chain coordination with quantity discount policy
52 2008/12/22 代发货环境下网络零售商的阈值库存分配策略
53 2008/11/01 供应链上的后向整合外包与协调策略分析
54 2009/02/22 Optimization analysis of supply chain scheduling in mass customization
55 2009/08/08 竞争型双渠道供应链协调问题研究
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