[Abstract]:In 1982, the state implemented the tobacco monopoly system, and established a strict tobacco monopoly management system in the whole supply chain of raw material procurement, cigarette production, distribution and retail. In a period of time, the tobacco industry has made rapid development and progress, and has made great contributions to the increase of national financial revenue and national economic construction. Along with the economic globalization, the domestic cigarette market and the international cigarette market gradually docked, the development of the information network promoted the establishment of the cigarette marketing information system and the use of the cigarette online trading platform. The situation of international tobacco control compacts the marketing space of cigarette market and makes the competition of cigarette market more and more intense. How to optimize marketing strategy, improve marketing effect, improve self-image and build harmonious relationship between customers and China has become the key to determine whether the enterprise can occupy a place in the fierce cigarette market. Is the current tobacco commercial enterprise urgent need to solve the problem. Tianjin Tobacco Corporation is the only legitimate cigarette wholesale organization in Tianjin. The cigarette market in Tianjin is in a stable state. The difficulty of cigarette marketing is closely related to the change of cigarette market environment. Both the macro-economic decline and the price limit of high-grade gift cigarettes are impacting the cigarette market, and the contradiction between selling cigarettes and controlling tobacco is increasing, so Tianjin company will face more challenges in the future. This paper takes Tianjin Company of China Tobacco Corporation as the research object, starting with the introduction of the reform and development of China's tobacco industry, using statistical analysis method to analyze the sales data and management indicators. Grasps the management present situation of Tianjin Company of China Tobacco Corporation. Using PEST method to analyze the macro marketing environment; to analyze the micro marketing environment from three aspects: sales market, competition environment and customer demand; and to use SWOT method to analyze the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of enterprises. Through the analysis of the situation of Tianjin tobacco management and the understanding of the marketing environment, this paper finds out the existing problems, and according to the STP strategy and the 4P marketing combination strategy, puts forward the marketing strategy and market order about the product, the price, the channel, the promotion and so on. Information system, marketing team and other three aspects of security measures.
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