发布时间:2018-10-20 17:06
【摘要】:近年来,随着信息和通讯网络迅速发展,企业赖以生存的市场环境发生了重大变革,巨大的竞争压力迫使企业缩短产品生命周期、拓展多样化产品、快速适应新型技术的不断变化,从而使供应链越来越复杂且动态多变。为了迅速、有效地适应多变的行业环境,很多企业开始高度重视供应链整合。然而,在动态化的复杂性环境中,采取何种程度的整合战略、如何进行整合则是企业首要考虑的问题。尽管许多学者通过研究证明供应链整合对企业竞争力、运营绩效、组织绩效具有显著的影响,然而对于驱动供应链整合的因素、这些因素如何影响供应链整合的研究仍未展开。 基于以上情况,本研究以资源基础理论和交易成本理论为理论基础,,结合学术界理论研究成果,构建了信息技术能力、信任、环境不确定性与供应链整合之间关系的理论假设模型,并以广东省珠三角地区187家制造型企业的调查数据为样本,采用SPSS17.0和AMOS7.0为统计分析工具对有效样本数据进行描述性统计分析、验证性因子分析(CFA)、相关性分析、阶层回归分析、调节效应分析等。 通过对假设模型的测量和验证,本研究得到了一些具有实际意义的研究结论:(1)信息技术能力对供应商整合、内部整合和客户整合均有显著的正向影响;(2)供应商信任对供应商整合有显著的正向影响,客户信任对客户整合有显著的正向影响;(3)供应商信任对信息技术能力与供应商整合的关系起到了完全中介作用,客户信任对信息技术能力与客户整合的关系起到了部分中介作用;(4)环境不确定性对供应商整合和客户整合均有显著的正向影响,但对内部整合的影响作用并不显著。 本研究的创新之处在于:(1)弥补学术界在供应链整合影响因素研究方面的缺口,本文重点探究信息技术能力和环境不确定性是否对供应链整合存在显著地影响作用,丰富了供应链整合研究领域的理论成果。(2)为我国企业进行供应链整合决策提供有借鉴价值的指导依据,通过分析探究供应链整合关键影响因素指导企业有针对性的改善、提升企业自身的能力,从而帮助企业高效、迅速、成功、有的放矢地进行供应链整合,进而提升竞争力、改善供应链绩效。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of information and communication networks, the market environment on which enterprises rely for survival has undergone major changes. Great competitive pressure has forced enterprises to shorten their product life cycle and expand their diversified products. Fast adapting to the changing of new technology makes supply chain more and more complex and dynamic. In order to adapt to the changing industry environment quickly and effectively, many enterprises begin to attach great importance to supply chain integration. However, in the dynamic complexity environment, what degree of integration strategy should be adopted and how to integrate is the most important issue for enterprises to consider. Although many scholars have proved that supply chain integration has a significant impact on enterprise competitiveness, operational performance, organizational performance, but for the factors driving supply chain integration, how these factors affect supply chain integration has not been carried out. Based on the above situation, this study based on resource-based theory and transaction cost theory, combined with academic theoretical research results, built information technology capacity, trust, The theoretical hypothetical model of the relationship between environmental uncertainty and supply chain integration, and the survey data of 187 manufacturing enterprises in the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong Province as a sample. Using SPSS17.0 and AMOS7.0 as statistical analysis tools, the effective sample data are analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, (CFA), correlation analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, adjustment effect analysis and so on. Through the measurement and verification of the hypothetical model, some meaningful conclusions are obtained: (1) IT capability has a significant positive effect on supplier integration, internal integration and customer integration; (2) supplier trust has a significant positive impact on supplier integration, customer trust has a significant positive impact on customer integration, (3) supplier trust plays a complete intermediary role in the relationship between information technology capability and supplier integration. Customer trust partly mediates the relationship between IT capability and customer integration; (4) Environmental uncertainty has a significant positive impact on both supplier integration and customer integration, but the impact on internal integration is not significant. The innovations of this study are as follows: (1) to make up the gap in the research of supply chain integration, this paper focuses on whether information technology capability and environmental uncertainty have a significant impact on supply chain integration. It enriches the theoretical achievements in the field of supply chain integration. (2) it provides a valuable guidance basis for Chinese enterprises to make decision on supply chain integration. By analyzing and exploring the key influencing factors of supply chain integration, it guides enterprises to improve their supply chain integration. To improve the ability of the enterprise itself, so as to help the enterprise to integrate the supply chain efficiently, quickly, successfully and purposefully, and then to enhance the competitiveness and improve the performance of the supply chain.
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of information and communication networks, the market environment on which enterprises rely for survival has undergone major changes. Great competitive pressure has forced enterprises to shorten their product life cycle and expand their diversified products. Fast adapting to the changing of new technology makes supply chain more and more complex and dynamic. In order to adapt to the changing industry environment quickly and effectively, many enterprises begin to attach great importance to supply chain integration. However, in the dynamic complexity environment, what degree of integration strategy should be adopted and how to integrate is the most important issue for enterprises to consider. Although many scholars have proved that supply chain integration has a significant impact on enterprise competitiveness, operational performance, organizational performance, but for the factors driving supply chain integration, how these factors affect supply chain integration has not been carried out. Based on the above situation, this study based on resource-based theory and transaction cost theory, combined with academic theoretical research results, built information technology capacity, trust, The theoretical hypothetical model of the relationship between environmental uncertainty and supply chain integration, and the survey data of 187 manufacturing enterprises in the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong Province as a sample. Using SPSS17.0 and AMOS7.0 as statistical analysis tools, the effective sample data are analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, (CFA), correlation analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, adjustment effect analysis and so on. Through the measurement and verification of the hypothetical model, some meaningful conclusions are obtained: (1) IT capability has a significant positive effect on supplier integration, internal integration and customer integration; (2) supplier trust has a significant positive impact on supplier integration, customer trust has a significant positive impact on customer integration, (3) supplier trust plays a complete intermediary role in the relationship between information technology capability and supplier integration. Customer trust partly mediates the relationship between IT capability and customer integration; (4) Environmental uncertainty has a significant positive impact on both supplier integration and customer integration, but the impact on internal integration is not significant. The innovations of this study are as follows: (1) to make up the gap in the research of supply chain integration, this paper focuses on whether information technology capability and environmental uncertainty have a significant impact on supply chain integration. It enriches the theoretical achievements in the field of supply chain integration. (2) it provides a valuable guidance basis for Chinese enterprises to make decision on supply chain integration. By analyzing and exploring the key influencing factors of supply chain integration, it guides enterprises to improve their supply chain integration. To improve the ability of the enterprise itself, so as to help the enterprise to integrate the supply chain efficiently, quickly, successfully and purposefully, and then to enhance the competitiveness and improve the performance of the supply chain.
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