[Abstract]:This paper introduces the history of the development and evolution of knitted T-shirts, summarizes the general situation of the design and production of knitted T-shirts in recent years, sums up the cultural colors of the design of modern T-shirts, and analyzes the research and development ideas for the promotion of the cultural value of T-shirts. The suggestion of expanding the consumption market of knitted T-shirts is put forward. The suggestions for the market expansion of knitted T-shirts are as follows: to promote standardized production of basic products, to increase differentiation innovation of terminal products, to stimulate individualized consumption, to promote market consumption of organizations and to attach importance to the innovation of marketing model. Finally, it is pointed out that strengthening the division of labor and cooperation among enterprises in the supply chain, adjusting the train of thought from product marketing to cultural marketing, and improving the ability to cope with market changes quickly are the only way to develop knitted T-shirts.
【作者单位】: 河南工程学院服装学院;
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